A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

6. Study the Scriptures systematically. If you read at random, here a little and there a little, your views of divine truth will be partial and limited.  This method may indeed be pursued in regard to reading strictly devotional; but only when other time is taken for obtaining a connected view and a critical understanding of the whole Bible.  The Bible is like a dish of savory meats.  There is almost every variety of style and matter.  There is History, Biography, Argumentative and Didactic Essays, and Poetry.  Although these various kinds of writing are contained in a great number of books, written by various authors, at different times, without concert, yet a remarkable unity of design runs through the whole.  They all aim at the development of the plan of God’s moral government; and a most striking harmony of sentiment prevails throughout.  We find everything, from the very beginning, pointing to the glorious plan of redemption revealed in the Gospel.  Although we may, at first view, feel the want of a regular system of divinity, yet, a careful attention to the subject will convince us that God’s plan is best.  We have here the principles of his government exhibited in living examples; which give us a clearer view, and more vivid impression of them, than we could obtain from the study of an abstract system.  There are several things to be observed, in the systematic and thorough study of the Bible, some of which I shall mention.

(1.) Always keep distinctly before you the grand design of the Scriptures; which is, to convince mankind of their lost and ruined condition, make known the way of salvation, and persuade them to embrace it.

(2.) Make it your constant aim to ascertain what is the plain and obvious meaning of the writer; for this is the mind of the Spirit.  To aid you in this, observe the following particulars:  1.  Endeavor to become acquainted with the peculiarity of each writer’s style.  Although the matter and words of Scripture were dictated by the Holy Spirit, yet it was so done that each writer employed a style and manner peculiar to himself.  This does not invalidate the evidence of their divine origin.  On the contrary, it shows the wisdom of the Spirit.  For, if the whole Bible had been written in a uniform style, it would have given opposers a strong argument against its authenticity; while the want of that uniformity furnishes conclusive evidence that it could not have been the work of a single impostor.  Again; a continued sameness of style would make the reading of so large a book as the Bible tedious and unpleasant; but the rich variety presented by the various authors of this blessed book, helps our infirmities, and makes the reading of it pleasing and delightful. 2.  “Inquire into the character, situation, and office of the writer; the time, place, and occasion of his writing; and the people for whose immediate use he intended his work.”  This will enable you to understand his allusions to particular circumstances

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.