making him my refuge? Ps. 9:9. 57:1. 59:16.
Jer. 16:19. When my soul is under the hidings
of his countenance, can I enjoy any other good?
Job 29:2-5. Ps. 38:1-10. Do I experience
any ardent longings after his spiritual presence with
my soul? Ps. 42:1, 2. 61:1, 2. Do I feel
any earnest desires after conformity to his image?
Matt. 5:6. Rom. 8:29. 1 Cor. 15:49. 2 Cor. 3:18.
4:4. Col. 3:10. Ps. 17:15. Do I delight
in the moral law of God, as a transcript of his holy
character? Ps. 37:31. 119:70, 72, 77, 79, 113,
131. Rom. 7:12, 22. Do I feel grieved when
I see his law disregarded? Ps. 119:136, 158.
Do I make his will the rule of my life? 1 John 5:3.
Do I earnestly strive to bring my heart and life into
complete conformity to his will? Phil. 3:7-14.
Do I love his word? Ps. 19:7-11. 119:11, 16,
82, 162, 172. Do I find delight in meditating
upon it? Ps. 1:2. 119:148. Do I delight
in the ordinances of his house? Ps. 26:8. 36:8.
122:1. 84:10. Do I delight in the Sabbath, anticipating
its return with desire, hailing it with joy, and engaging
in its duties with sweet satisfaction; Isa. 58:13,
14. Do I delight in secret communion with God,
in prayer and praise? Ps. 5:2, 3. 55:16, 17. 88:13.
116:2. 138:1, 2. 146:1, 2. 147:1. 148. Do I love
the children of God, as bearing his image? 1 John
4:20. 5:1. Is my soul ever moved with sweet emotion
in contemplating the infinite
moral perfections
of God? Ps. 30:4. 96:9. Do I delight also
in his natural perfections, as appertaining to the
Supreme Ruler of the universe? Ps. 96:1-13. 97:1-12.
Do I feel this delight in his character, independent
of the idea that he is my friend? Hab. 3:17,
18. Am I sure that even this emotion is not produced
by the secret thought that the exercise of it is an
evidence of my being his friend?
5. As to my Christian character in general.
Do I realize my dependence upon the Holy Spirit for
every right feeling and action? John 14:16, 17.
Rom. 8:9, 13, 14. Isa. 26, 12. Are the fruits
of the Spirit manifest in my heart and life?
Gal. 5:22-24. Have I mortified my members which
are upon the earth, and put off the works of the flesh?
Gal. 5:19-21. Col. 3:5, 8. Have I put on
the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, after
the image of him that created him? Col. 3:10.
Do I manifest my love to my brethren by a readiness
to make sacrifices of personal feeling, interest,
and enjoyment, to promote their welfare and happiness?
1 John 3:14-17. Do I manifest my love for all
mankind, by doing good to all as I have opportunity?
Do I feel an unalterable desire for the conversion
of their souls? Rom. 9:1, 2. Am I willing
to make personal efforts and sacrifices to promote
this object? Do I heartily and earnestly offer
the prayer,—“Thy kingdom come,”
doing and giving all in my power to promote it?
Is the same mind in me, in these respects, that was
in Christ Jesus? Phil. 2:4-8. Rom. 15:2,
3. Do I truly feel that it is more blessed to