A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

Some people are frightened at the idea of Doctrine, as though it were a mere abstraction, which has nothing to do with practical life.  This notion is founded on a misapprehension not only of the meaning of the term, but of the connection of actions with established principles of the mind.  The general signification of the word doctrine is, the principles upon which any system is founded.  As applied to Christianity, it means divine truth; for this is the foundation upon which the Christian religion rests.  Although the truths of God’s Word are not reduced to a regular system in the Bible, yet, when brought together, they make the most beautiful and perfect of all systems.  It is proper, therefore, that we should contemplate them in a body, as they appear with the most perfect symmetry, in the plan of God’s moral government.  There is a disposition, at the present day, to undervalue doctrinal knowledge.  Many people think it of little consequence what they believe, if they are only sincere, and manifest much feeling on the subject of religion.  But this is a ruinous mistake.  There is a most intimate connection between faith and practice.  Those principles which are believed and received into the heart govern and control our actions.  The doctrines which God has revealed in his Word are the principles of his moral government.  As we are the subjects of that government, it cannot be a matter of small moment for us to understand, so far as we are capable, the principles upon which it is administered.  If we mistake these principles, we may be found in open rebellion, while we think we are doing God service.  For example:  God commands us not to steal.  But, if we do not believe that he has given this commandment, we shall feel under no obligation to obey it.  And every truth which God has revealed is as intimately connected with practice as this, although the duty enjoined be, in itself considered, of less consequence.  Christianity is called a spiritual building.  “Ye are built up a spiritual house.”  “Whose house are we?” “We are God’s building.”  Now the foundation and frame-work of this building are the doctrines or truths of the Bible.  Some of these doctrines are called fundamental or essential, because they lie at the foundation of the whole building; and are so essential to it, that, if taken away, the whole would fall to the ground.  These are, The Existence of God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the Fall, and consequent Depravity of Man; the Atonement of Christ; Justification by faith in him alone, and the Office of the Holy Spirit in the work of Regeneration.  If any one of these were taken away, it would overturn the whole building.  These may, therefore, well be called the foundation.  But you see there are other very important parts of a frame besides the foundation.  So there are many other very important

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.