—Thou, as the rose
Lies buried in her fragrance, when on earth
The summer-loosen’d blossom flows,
Art sepulchred and embalm’d in native worth:
While to thy grave, in England’s anxious years,
We bring our useless tears.
Above the throne; ’He knows that if Princes exist, it is for the good of the people. . . . Well for him that he does so,’ was the remark made by an observing foreigner on Prince Albert: (Martin: Life of H.R.H. the Prince Consort: ch. xi).
On home alone; ‘She who reigns over us,’ said the then Mr. Disraeli when seconding the Address on the death of the Duchess of Kent, (March, 1861), ’She who reigns over us has elected, amid all the splendour of empire, to establish her life on the principle of domestic love’ (Martin: ch. cxi).
Firm and true, ‘Treu und Fest’ is the motto of the Saxe-Coburg family.
Goodwill to men; A revision of the despatch to the Cabinet of the United States, remonstrating on the ‘Trent affair,’ whilst the fatal fever was on him, was the last of Prince Albert’s many services (Nov. 30, 1861) to England. To the temperate and conciliatory tone which he gave to this message, its success in the promotion of peace between the two countries was largely due: (Martin: ch. cxvi).
. . . Sunt hic sua praemia laudi, Sunt lacrimae rerum . . .
As when the snowdrop from the snowy
Lifting a maiden face, foretells
the flowers
That lurk and listen, till the chaffinch
Spring’s advent with the glistening
willow crown’d,
Sheathed in their silken bowers:—
E’en so the promise of her
life appears
Through those white childhood-years;
—Whether in seaside happiness,
and air
Rosing the fair cheek,—sand,
and spade, and shell,—
Or race with sister-feet, that flash’d
and fell
Printing the beach, while the gay
Play’d in the soft light hair:—
Or if with sunbeam-smile and kind
Small hand at cottage-door
Her simple alms she tender’d
to the poor:
Love’s healthy happy heart in all her steps
was seen,
And God, in life’s fresh springtime,
bless’d our Queen.
Lo! the quick months their order’d
dance pursue,
And Spring’s bright apple-blossoms
flush to fruit;
The bay-tree thrives ’neath
Heaven’s own gracious dew,
And her young shoots the parent-life
Around the fostering root.
—The Girl from care in
youth’s sweet sleep withdrawn
Wakes to a crown at dawn!
But Love is at her side, strong,
faithful, wise,
To share the world-wide burden of
The sceptre’s weight in the
unlesson’d hand;
To aid each nursery inmate,—each
in turn
Dear pride of watchful eyes,—