The Visions of England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Visions of England.

The Visions of England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Visions of England.
of Titans comes forth, and above him the sky Is deepest:  and lo!—­’tis the White One, the Monarch!—­He mounts, as we fly!  Or as over the sea the gay ships and the dolphins glisten and flit, And then that Leviathan comes, and takes his pastime in it; And wherever he ploughs his dark road, they must sink or follow him still, For his is the bulkiest strength, the proud and paramount will!  —­Thou wast great, O King! (for we grudge not the style thou didst yearn-for in vain, But a river of blood was between and an ineffaceable stain), Great with an earth-born greatness; a Titan of awe, not of love; ’Twas strength and subtlety balanced; the wisdom not from above.  For he leant o’er his own deep soul, oracular; over the pit As the Pythia throned her of old, where the rock in Delphi was split; And the vapour and echo within he mis-held for divine; and the land Heard and obey’d, unwillingly willing, the voice of command.  —­Soaring enormous soul, that to height o’er the highest aspires; All that the man can seize being nought to what he desires!  And as, in a palace nurtured, the child to courtesy grows, Becoming at last what it acts; so man on himself can impose, Drill and accustom himself to humility, till, like an art, The lesson the fingers have learn’d appears the command of the heart; Whilst pride, as the snake at the charmer’s command, coils low in its place, And he wears to himself and his fellows the mask that is almost a face.  Truest of hypocrites, he!—­in himself entangled, he thinks Earth uprising to Heaven, while earth-ward the heavenly sinks:  Conscience, we grant it, his guide; but conscience drugg’d and deceived; Conscience which all that his self-belief whisper’d as duty believed.  And though he sought earnest for God, in life-long wrestle and prayer, Yet the sky by a veil was darken’d, a phantom flitting in air; For a cloud from that seething cavernous heart fumed out in his youth, And whatever he will’d in the strength of the soul was imaged as truth:—­ Grew with his growth:  And now ’tis Ambition, disguised in success; And he walks with the step assured, that cares not its issue to guess, Clear in immediate purpose:  and moulding his party at will, He thrones it o’er obstinate sects, his ideal constrain’d to fulfil.  Cool in his very heat, self-master, he masters the realm:  God and His glory the flag; but King Oliver lord of the helm!  As he needs, steers crooked or straight:  with his eye controlling the proud, While blandness runs from his tongue, as the candidate fawns on the crowd; Sagest of Titans, he stands; dark, ponderous, muddy-profound, Greatness untemper’d, untuned; no song, but a chaos of sound:—­ Yet the key-note is ever beneath:  ’Mere humble instruments!  See!  Poor weak saints, at the best:  but who has triumph’d as we?’ Thanks the Lord for each massacre-mercy, His glory, for His is the Cause:  Catlike he bridles, and purrs about God:  but within are the claws, The lion-strength is within!—­Vane, Ludlow, Hutchinson, knew, When the bauble of Law disappear’d,
Project Gutenberg
The Visions of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.