Britons on each side sea; Armorica and Cornwall, Wales and Strathclyde, all share in the great Arthurian legend.
Justinian; ‘Edward,’ says Dr. Stubbs, ’is the great lawgiver, the great politician, the great organiser of the mediaeval English polity:’ (Early Plantagenets).
Keep thy Faith; ‘Pactum serva’ may be still seen inscribed on the huge stone coffin of Edward I.
The keels of Guienne . . . Adria’s dyes; The ships of Gascony, of the Hanse Towns, of Genoa, of Venice, are enumerated amongst those which now traded with England.
Malvasian nectar; ‘Malvoisie,’ the sweet wine of the Southern Morea, gained its name from Monemvasia, or Napoli di Malvasia, its port of shipment.
Sendal; A thin rich silk. Samite; A very rich stuff, sometimes wholly of silk, often crimson, interwoven with gold and silver thread, and embroidered. Tarsien; Silken stuff from Tartary.
Athenian diamond; A few very fine early gems ascribed to Athens, are executed wholly with diamond-point.
The snow-bright fleeces; Those of Leominster were very long famous.
Devonian vales; The ancient mining region west of Tavistock.
Dustyfoot; Old name for pedlar.
August 26: 1346
At Crecy by Somme in Ponthieu
High up on a windy hill
A mill stands out like a tower;
King Edward stands on the mill.
The plain is seething below
As Vesuvius seethes with flame,
But O! not with fire, but gore,
Earth incarnadined o’er,
Crimson with shame and with fame!—
To the King run the messengers, crying
‘Thy Son is hard-press’d to the dying!’
—’Let alone: for to-day will
be written in story
To the great world’s end, and for ever:
So let the boy have the glory.’
Erin and Gwalia there
With England are one against France;
Outfacing the oriflamme red
The red dragons of Merlin advance:—
As harvest in autumn renew’d
The lances bend o’er the fields;
Snow-thick our arrow-heads white
Level the foe as they light;
Knighthood to yeomanry yields:—
Proud heart, the King watches, as higher
Goes the blaze of the battle, and nigher:—
’To-day is a day will be written in story
To the great world’s end, and for ever!
Let the boy alone have the glory.’
Harold at Senlac-on-Sea
By Norman arrow laid low,—
When the shield-wall was breach’d by
the shaft,
—Thou art avenged by the bow!
Chivalry! name of romance!
Thou art henceforth but a name!
Weapon that none can withstand,
Yew in the Englishman’s hand,
Flight-shaft unerring in aim!
As a lightning-struck forest the foemen
Shiver down to the stroke of the bowmen:—
—’O to-day is a day will be written
in story
To the great world’s end, and for ever!
So, let the boy have the glory.’