Manual of Surgery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 697 pages of information about Manual of Surgery.

Manual of Surgery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 697 pages of information about Manual of Surgery.
    glandular infection in, 203
    increase of, 207
    of lymph glands, 340
    medullary, 210
    melanotic, 210, 341, 397
    paraffin, 395
    pigmented, 210
    radium treatment of, 208
    rodent, 210, 395
    scirrhous, 210
    of skin, 394
    spread of, 204
    squamous epithelial, 208
    ulceration of, 205
    varieties of, 208
    X-ray, 208

  Cancrum oris, 102

  Cantharides plaster, 42

  Capillaries, anatomy of, 258

  Capillary angioma, 294
    loops, 3

  Carbolic gangrene, 95

  Carbon-dioxide snow, 297

  Carbuncle, 380

  Carcinoma. See Cancer

  Caries, 437, 438
    of articular surfaces, 502, 514
    sicca, 438
    syphilitic, 462
    tuberculous, 455

  Carotid aneurysm, 314
    artery, compression of, 269
    tubercle, 269

  Carpal ganglion, 214

  Carron oil, 238

  Cartilage, grafting of, 16
    repair of, 7
    ulceration of, 502, 514

  Cartilaginous exostosis, 191, 481

  Caseation in tuberculosis, 136

  Catalepsy, 116

  Catgut, infection by, 51
    preparation of, 245

  Cautery in haemorrhage, 271

  Cavernous angioma, 298
    lymphangioma, 327

  Cellulitis, 52
    in different situations, 58
    diffuse, 52

  Cephalic or Kopf tetanus, 116

  Cerebro-spinal meningitis, 115

  Cervical adenitis, 332
    rib, 360

  Chalk stones in gouty joints, 523

  Chancre, concealed, 152, 153, 157
    erratic, 153
    extra-genital, 153
    hard, 151
    meatal, 152
    multiple, 152
    relapsing false indurated, 172
    soft, 154
    urethral, 152

  Chancroid, 154

  Charcoal poultice, 84

  Charcot’s disease, 533

  Cheloid. See Keloid

  Chemiotaxis, 32

  Chigoe, 130

  Chilblain, 378

  Chimney-sweep’s cancer, 395

  Chloroma, 200

  Chondroma, 189, 487
    multiple, 544

  Chondromatosis, 488

  Chondro-sarcoma, 189, 200, 487

  Chordoma, 200

  Choroiditis, syphilitic, 177

  Chylorrhoea, 325

  Chylo-thorax, 325

  Chylous ascites, 325

  Cicatrices, varieties of, 400

  Cicatricial contraction, 4
    tissue, 4

  Circumflex nerve. See Axillary Nerve

  Cirsoid aneurysm, 299

  Claw-hand, 369

  Cloacae in bone, 443

  Cocci, 18

  Coeliac artery, aneurysm of, 313

  Coley’s fluid, 201

  Collapse, 254

  Collateral circulation, 267

  Colles’ law, 178

Project Gutenberg
Manual of Surgery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.