to make to you. We received some money to
send things out to the lads at the front, and
there is some left. Besides, George sent some
home, so that he might get what he wanted sent
him without asking if I could afford it, I suppose.
Well, I am to send you some little thing every
now and then; you are to get another friend and
share with him, and you are to make every endeavour
short of cowardice (of which you are not capable)
to save your life, valuable to all who have the
privilege of knowing you, doubly valuable to
your mother, and precious to your many friends.
We feel we have a personal claim on you, and
I am writing you just as I would were you indeed my
boy, and we entreat you to bear up, to do your
duty, to be a brave and true and Christian lad,
and to come back safe to us all. Oh, what
a happy day it will be when we welcome you back
“We shall always think of you as partly ours; and for what you were to and did for George we will ever bless you. Dear lad, get another friend to lean upon and be leant upon. It is a glorious thing—friendship. You risked your life to try and save George’s. God bless you for it. I think He will. If you could read our hearts, you would feel afraid. I cannot write as I would like. It is in my heart, in my brain, but the pen won’t put in on the paper. It couldn’t. But it is there, a deep love for you, a great admiration for your bravery, and an earnest prayer that you may be preserved to live a happy and useful life for many years to come.
“Mummie wishes me to say how her heart goes out to you, and how she feels for you in your loneliness. Be assured of a place in a good woman’s prayers, and be assured also that all of us continue constantly in prayer for you. We did not know how constantly and continually we could petition the Great Father till you lads went away. We will not cease because one needs them no more. Rather we will be more constant, and perhaps that may be one of the results of this war. Think what a power the prayers of a whole world would have with God! If only they were for the one thing—that His Kingdom would come, it would be accomplished at once! May the knowledge of His all-pervading love dwell more and more in the hearts of the people of the world, so that wars and all kindred evils may cease and the hearts of the people be taken up with the one task of living for God and His Kingdom.
“May God be ever present with you, watching over and blessing you, and may He come into your heart more and more, helping and sustaining you in your hard task, and blessing you in all your endeavours to be His true son and servant.
loving friend,
“P.S.—We have not, up to the time of writing this, received an official notification of our poor laddie’s death. I felt I must write you, however. You will perhaps be able to read into my letter what I have been unable to say, but all my thoughts for you are summed up in ‘God bless you.’ Thank all the dear lads for their kind sympathy with us.”