Writing the Photoplay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 385 pages of information about Writing the Photoplay.

Writing the Photoplay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 385 pages of information about Writing the Photoplay.
Steve turns quickly toward door.  Jess speaks and he turns to face her.  She approaches slowly and stops in front of him, looks steadily into his eyes for a moment, then impulsively holds out both her hands.  He seizes them, holds them a moment, then, as she drops her eyes, he lowers her hands slowly, steps backward, turns, and exit quickly.  She looks up as he passes out of door, then drops on her knees beside bed and, with one hand reaching out to the child, looks upward as if in prayer.


     Steve riding hard into town.

19—­On the outskirts of the town—­

Steve rides into picture, going at same speed as before.  Man (not cowboy, but carrying gun in holster) recognizes him as he approaches.  Draws gun, stands at side of road, and, as Steve comes close raises gun and calls on him to halt.  Steve only bends low and gives the horse the spurs, dashing past at full gallop.  Man raises his gun and fires after him, then shows by his look of chagrin that he has not stopped him.

20—­Looking back over same road, but at point farther on toward town—­

Steve rides into picture, his left arm hanging limp, holding gun in right hand, prepared to use it rather than stop; reins hanging on horse’s neck.  He takes reins in right hand—­after restoring gun to holster—­and rides on.

21—­Exterior of doctor’s house, with sign, “Dr. Turner”—­

Steve rides into picture, pulls up, dismounts, and with an expression of pain takes hold of wounded left arm with right hand, gripping it as if to ease pain.  Runs up steps and knocks at door.  As he is facing door, another man sees and recognizes him.  This man is not armed, and he merely shakes fist at Steve behind the outlaw’s back, then passes out of picture.  Dr. Turner comes to door, and falls back astounded as he recognizes “Aravaipa Steve.”  “You!  What do you want here?” Then he sees the wounded arm, and points to it.  Steve shakes head emphatically and proceeds to tell what has happened at the ranch.  As he finishes, the doctor looks him over from head to foot, then holds out his hand, which the outlaw grasps silently.  Dr. Turner beckons him into the house; but just as Steve is about to follow the doctor in, the man who saw him knock on the door returns with a party of ten or a dozen citizens and cowboys.  Half a dozen point guns at Steve and he throws up his right hand in obedience to their command, indicating that his left is injured.  The doctor tries to explain, but they wave him back.  Steve turns to doctor and tells him to hurry and get the medicine off to the sick child.  Doctor nods.  Believing that the outlaw will be taken to the sheriff, he goes in to prepare the medicine.  Steve is led away by the crowd.

22—­Corner of ranch house, same as 5—­

Project Gutenberg
Writing the Photoplay from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.