The Europeans eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about The Europeans.

The Europeans eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about The Europeans.

“With me?  I thought you did n’t have those ideas.”

“You don’t understand.  There are a great many things you don’t understand.”

“I understand my stupidity.  But why, then, do not Charlotte and Mr. Brand, who, as an elder sister and a clergyman, are free to walk about together, come over and make me wiser by breaking up the unlawful interview into which I have lured you?”

“That is the last thing they would do,” said Gertrude.

Felix stared at her a moment, with his lifted eyebrows.  “Je n’y comprends rien!” he exclaimed; then his eyes followed for a while the retreating figures of this critical pair.  “You may say what you please,” he declared; “it is evident to me that your sister is not indifferent to her clever companion.  It is agreeable to her to be walking there with him.  I can see that from here.”  And in the excitement of observation Felix rose to his feet.

Gertrude rose also, but she made no attempt to emulate her companion’s discovery; she looked rather in another direction.  Felix’s words had struck her; but a certain delicacy checked her.  “She is certainly not indifferent to Mr. Brand; she has the highest opinion of him.”

“One can see it—­one can see it,” said Felix, in a tone of amused contemplation, with his head on one side.  Gertrude turned her back to the opposite shore; it was disagreeable to her to look, but she hoped Felix would say something more.  “Ah, they have wandered away into the wood,” he added.

Gertrude turned round again.  “She is not in love with him,” she said; it seemed her duty to say that.

“Then he is in love with her; or if he is not, he ought to be.  She is such a perfect little woman of her kind.  She reminds me of a pair of old-fashioned silver sugar-tongs; you know I am very fond of sugar.  And she is very nice with Mr. Brand; I have noticed that; very gentle and gracious.”

Gertrude reflected a moment.  Then she took a great resolution.  “She wants him to marry me,” she said.  “So of course she is nice.”

Felix’s eyebrows rose higher than ever.  “To marry you!  Ah, ah, this is interesting.  And you think one must be very nice with a man to induce him to do that?”

Gertrude had turned a little pale, but she went on, “Mr. Brand wants it himself.”

Felix folded his arms and stood looking at her.  “I see—­I see,” he said quickly.  “Why did you never tell me this before?”

“It is disagreeable to me to speak of it even now.  I wished simply to explain to you about Charlotte.”

“You don’t wish to marry Mr. Brand, then?”

“No,” said Gertrude, gravely.

“And does your father wish it?”

“Very much.”

“And you don’t like him—­you have refused him?”

“I don’t wish to marry him.”

“Your father and sister think you ought to, eh?”

“It is a long story,” said Gertrude.  “They think there are good reasons.  I can’t explain it.  They think I have obligations, and that I have encouraged him.”

Project Gutenberg
The Europeans from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.