the Oppression of the holy Church, by that most wicked,
blasphemous, and not worthy to be named Wretch, Aistolphus,
to fly for Refuge to that excellent and faithful
Votary of St. Peter, Lord Pipin, the most
Christian King, took my Journey into France;
where I fell into a mortal Distemper and remained some
Time in the District of Paris, in the venerable
Monastery of St. Denis the Martyr. And
being now past Hopes of Recovery, methought I was one
Day at Prayers in the Church of the same blessed Martyr,
in a Place under the Bells: And that I saw standing
before the great Altar our Master Peter; and
that great Master of the Gentiles, our Master
Paul; whom I knew very well by their Vestments.
And a little after, I saw the blessed Lord Denis,
a tall and slender Man, standing at the Right Hand
of our Lord Peter. And then that good Pastor
the Lord Peter said—This good Brother
of ours asks for Health. Then reply’d the
blessed Paul—He shall be healed presently.
And thereupon approaching to our Lord Denis,
he amicably put his Hand upon his Breast, and look’d
back upon our Lord Peter, and Lord Peter
with a chearful Countenance said to our Lord Denis,
His Health shall be your particular Act of Favour.
Then presently Lord Denis taking a Censer full
of Incense, and holding a Branch of Palm-tree in his
Hand, accompanied with a Presbyter and Deacon, who
assisted him, came near to me, and said, Peace be
with thee, Brother, be not afraid, thou shalt not
die until thou return in Prosperity to thy own See.
Rise and be healed, and dedicate this Altar to the
Honour of God, and the Apostles St. Peter and
St. Paul, whom thou seest standing before thee,
with Masses of Thanksgiving. Whereupon I was
presently made whole. And being about to accomplish
that which I was commanded to do, they that were present
said I was mad. So I related all that I had seen,
to them, to the King, and all his People, and how
I had been cured; and I fulfilled all that I was bid
to do. These Things happen’d in the 753d
Year, from the Incarnation of our Lord on the Ides
of August; at which Time being strengthned
by the Power of Christ, between the Celebration
of the Consecration of the above-mention’d Altar,
and the Oblation of the Sacrifice, I anointed King
Pipin and his two Sons, Charles and
Carloman, Kings of the Franks. Moreover,
I laid Hands upon, and blessed Bertranda the
King’s Wife, cloathed with her Royal Mantle,
and the Grace of the Sevenfold Holy Spirit: And
the Nobles of the Franks being sanctified by
the Apostolical Benediction, and the Authority delivered
by Christ to St. Peter, obliged themselves
solemnly, and protested, That neither they, nor any
of their Posterity, wou’d at any Time hereafter,
presume to constitute any Person, as King over them,
but only such as were of the Race of King Pipin.”