Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

But as, on the one hand, a true Whig thinks that all Opinions purely spiritual and notional ought to be indulg’d; so on the other, he is for severely punishing all Immoralities, Breach of Laws, Violence and Injustice.  A Minister’s Tythes are as much his Right, as any Layman’s Estate can be his; and no Pretence of Religion or Conscience can warrant the substracting of them, whilst the Law is in Being which makes them payable:  For a Whig is far from the Opinion, that they are due by any other Title.  It wou’d make a Man’s Ears tingle, to hear the Divine Right insisted upon for any human Institutions; and to find God Almighty brought in as a Principal there, where there is no Necessity for it.  To affirm, that Monarchy, Episcopacy, Synods, Tythes, the Hereditary Succession to the Crown, &c. are Jure Divino; is to cram them down a Man’s Throat; and tell him in plain Terms, that he must submit to any of them under all Inconveniencies, whether the Laws of his Country are for it or against it.  Every Whig owns Submission to Government to be an Ordinance of God. Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lord’s Sake, says the Apostle.  Where (by the way) pray take notice, he calls them Ordinances of Man; and gives you the true Notion, how far any thing can be said to be Jure Divino:  which is far short of what your high-flown Assertors of the Jus Divinum wou’d carry it, and proves as strongly for a Republican Government as a Monarchical; tho’ in truth it affects neither, where the very Ends of Government are destroyed.

A right Whig looks upon frequent Parliaments as such a fundamental Part of the Constitution, that even no Parliament can part with this Right. High Whiggism is for Annual Parliaments, and Low Whiggism for Triennial, with annual Meetings.  I leave it to every Man’s Judgment, which of these wou’d be the truest Representative; wou’d soonest ease the House of that Number of Members that have Offices and Employments, or take Pensions from the Court; is least liable to Corruption; wou’d prevent exorbitant Expence, and soonest destroy the pernicious Practice of drinking and bribing for Elections, or is most conformable to ancient Custom.  The Law that lately pass’d with so much Struggle for Triennial Parliaments shall content me, till the Legislative shall think fit to make them Annual.

But methinks (and this I write with great Submission and Deference) that (since the passing that Act) it seems inconsistent with the Reason of the thing, and preposterous, for the first Parliament after any Prince’s Accession to the Crown, to give the publick Revenue arising by Taxes, for a longer time than that Parliament’s own Duration.  I cannot see why the Members of

Project Gutenberg
Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.