Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.
even to those Days.  By that Law, only the Heirs Male of our Kings are capable of governing the Kingdom, and no Females can be admitted to that Dignity.  The Words of that Law are these:  Nulla hereditatis portio de terra Salica ad mulierem venito; Let no Part of the Inheritance of Salick Land come to a Woman.  Now (says Gaguinus) the French Lawyers call Salick Land, such as belongs only to the King, and is different from the Alodial which concerns the Subjects; to whom, by that Law, is granted a free Dominion of any thing, not excluding the Princely Authority.”  And to the same Purpose, not only almost all the Francogallican Historians, but even all the Lawyers and Pettifoggers have wrote to this Day, as Paponius testifies, Arrest. lib. 4. cap. 1.  So that now the mistake has prevailed so far, as to have obtain’d the Force of a Law.  To explain this, it must be remembred (which we formerly gave an Account of) that the Franks had two Seats of their Empire, and two Kingdoms; One in France, which remains to this Day; The other beyond the Rhine, near the River Sala; from whence they were called Salii, and Salici Franci (joyning the two Names together) but for the most part briefly Salici; the Kingdom of these last, and even their very Name is in a Manner extinct. Ammianus Marcellinus makes mention in his History (as we told you before) of these Salii, and shews, that they are called the Eastern Franks, as the others were called the Western.  Now as there were two Kingdoms of the Franks, so they had different Laws:  those that belonged to the Salii, were called Salick; those that belonged to the Francogalli, were called French.  Eguinarthus in his Life of Charles the Great says thus:—­“After he had assumed the Imperial Title, finding that his Peoples Laws were in many Things deficient, (for the Franks have two Laws very different from each other in many Cases,) he thought of adding such as were wanting.”—­The Author of the Preface to the Salick Law has this Passage.—­“The renowned Nation of the Franks, before it was converted to the Catholick Faith, enacted the Salick Law by the Great Men of the Nation, who at that Time were their Governors; and from among a great many, four Persons were chosen; Wisogast, Arbogast, Salogast, and Windogast; who, during three Conventions [tres mallos] carefully perusing all Causes from their Original, gave their Judgment and Decree of every one of them in this Manner, &c.—­” Sigebertus in Chron. anni 422. & Otto Frising, lib. 4. cap. penult. make use of almost the same Words.  “From that time (say they) the Laws recommended to them by Wisigastaldus and Salogastus, began to be in Force.  By this Salogastus, they tell us, that Law was invented, which from his
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Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.