But concerning this Odo, the Story is memorable which Sigibert relates; from whence we may more clearly be inform’d of the manner of their rejecting their King’s Son, and “setting up another in his stead.” For (sub anno 890.) he says thus “But the Franks neglecting Charles the Son of Lewis the Stammerer, a Boy scarce ten years old; Elected, Odo for their King, who was Son of Duke Robert, slain by the Normans.” Also Otto Frinsing Chronic. lib. 6. cap. 10. “The Western Franks (says he) with the consent of Arnolphus, chose for their King Odo a valiant Man, and Son of Robert.”—Also in the Appendix to Gregory of Tours, lib. 15. cap. 30. “After the Death of Dagobert, Clodoveus his Son obtain’d his Father’s Kingdom, being at that time very young, and all his Leudes (that is, Subjects) rais’d him to the Throne, in Villa Masolano.”—Also Sigebert, in chronic. anno 987.—“Lewis King of the Franks being dead, the Franks had a mind to transfer the Kingdom to Charles the Brother of Lotharius; but whilst he spent too much time, deliberating with his Council concerning that Affair, Hugo acquires the Kingdom of the Franks, &c.” There are many Testimonies, of the same Kind in Ado, viz. anno 686.—“Clodoveus the King dying, the Franks elect Clotarius his Son for their King.” And again, “—Clotarius having reigned four Years, died, in whose stead the Franks elected Theodorick his Brother—.” Again, anno 669. “The Franks establish’d in the Kingdom a certain Clerk, called Daniel, having caused him to quit his Tonsure and Orders, and name him Chilperic.” And again,—“The Franks appoint, as King over them, Theodoric the Son of Dagobert”—. Also Otto Frising chron. 6. cap. 13.—“Otto (says he) King of the Franks being dead, Charles was created King by unanimous Consent—.” The Appendix to Greg. Turon. lib. 11. cap. 101. says thus, “When Theodoric was dead, the Franks elected Clodoveus his Son, who was very young, to be their King.” And cap. 106. “But the Franks appoint one Chilperick to be their King.” Also Godfrey of Viterbo, chron. part. 17. cap. 4. “—But Pipin in being elected by the Franks, was declared King by Pope Zacharias, they having thrust their cowardly King Hilderic into a Monastery.”