After the Emperor Honorius’s time, we have very little in History extant concerning the Frank’s Warlike Deeds. For to those Times must be apply’d what St. Ambrose writes in his Letter (the 29th) to Theodesius the Emperor: That the Franks both in Sicily and many other Places, had overthrown Maximus the Roman General. “He (says he, speaking of Maximus) was presently beaten by the Franks and Saxons in all places of the Earth.” But in the Reign of Valentinian the 3d, that is, about the 450th Year of Christ, ’tis plain, by the consent of all Writers, that Childeric, the Son of Meroveus, King of the Franks, compleated the Deliverance of Gallia from the Roman Tyranny, after a continued Struggle of more than 200 Years; and was the first that established in Gallia a firm and certain Seat of Empire: For altho’ some reckon Pharamond and Clodio-crinitus as the first Kings of the Franks, yet without doubt there were many before them, who (like them) had cross’d the Rhine, and made Irruptions into Gallia: but none had been able to settle any peaceable Dominion within the Limits of Gallia. Now Meroveus, who is commonly reckon’d the 3d King; tho’ he was indeed King of the Franks, yet he was a Stranger and a Foreigner, not created King in Gallia, not King of the Francogalli; that is to say, not elected by the joint Suffrages of both Nations united: In short, all these were Kings of the Franci, and not of the Francogalli. But Childeric, the Son of Meroveus, was (as we said before) the first that was elected by the publick Council of the associated Franks and Gauls, and he was created King; of Francogallia presently after his Father Meroveus had been kill’d in a Battel against Attila, during the Reign of Valentinian the Third, a dissolute and profligate Prince. At which time the Angli and Scoti took Possession of Great Britain; the Burgundians of Burgundy, Savoy and Dauphine; the Goths of Aquitain: the Vandals of Africk and Italy, nay of Rome it self; the Hanni under their Leader Attila wasted Gallia with Fire and Sword. This Attila having an Army of about Five hundred thousand Men, over-ran all Gallia as far as Thoulouse. AEtius was at that time Governor of Gallia, who fearing the Power of Attila, made a League with the Goths, and by their assistance defeated Attila in a Battel; wherein, ’tis said, they slew no fewer than a Hundred and eighty thousand Men. But the Conqueror AEtius being suspected by Valentinian of aspiring to the Empire, was afterwards, by his Command, put to Death; and within a little while after, he himself was slain by Maximus before-mention’d.