Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Lutetia, Paris.

Massilia, Marseilles.

Marsua, non liquet.

Nervii, P. of Hainault and Cambray.

Nitiobriges, P. of Agenois.

Novemopulonia, Gascony.

Noviomagum, Nimeguen.

Pannonia, Hungary.

Pleumosii, P. of Tornay and Lisle.

Rhatia, Swisserland.

Rhemi, P. of Rheims.

Senones, P. of Sens and Auxerre.

Sequani, P. of Franche Comte.

Sequana, the River Seine.

Suessiones, P. of Soissons.

Trecassini, P. of Tricasses in Champagne.

Treviri, P. of Triers, and Part of Luxemburg.

Toxandri, P. of Zealand.

Tolbiacum, non liquet.

Vencti, P. of Vannes.

Vesontini, P. of Besancon.

Ulbanesses, non liquet.

Witmarium, non liquet.

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The Author’s Preface.

    To the most Illustrious and Potent Prince FREDERICK,
    Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, &c. 
    First Elector of the Roman Empire, His most Gracious
    Lord, Francis Hotoman, wishes all Health and Prosperity.

’Tis an old Saying, of which Teucer the Son of Telamon is the supposed Author, and which has been approved of these many Ages, A Man’s Country is, where-ever he lives at Ease. [Footnote:  Patria est ubicunq; est bene.] For to bear even Banishment it self with an unconcern’d Temper of Mind like other Misfortunes and Inconveniences, and to despise the Injuries of an ungrateful Country, which uses one more like a Stepmother than a true Mother, seems to be the Indication of a great Soul.  But I am of a quite different Opinion:  For if it be a great Crime, and almost an Impiety not to live under and suffer patiently the Humours and harsh Usage of our Natural Parents; ’tis sure a much greater, not to endure those of our Country, which wise Men have unanimously preferr’d to their Parents. ’Tis indeed the Property of a wary self-interested Man, to measure his Kindness for his Country by his own particular Advantages:  But such a sort of Carelesness and Indifferency seems a Part of that Barbarity which was attributed to the Cynicks and Epicureans; whence that detestable Saying proceeded, When I am dead, let the whole

Project Gutenberg
Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.