Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.
(when he was at his last Gasp, and cou’d not hinder it) they got a Painter to his Bed’s-side, who took his Likeness as well as ’twas possible at such a time. Basilius Amerbachius assisted him during his last Sickness, and James Grinaeus made his Funeral-Sermon.  He left two Sons behind him, John and Daniel; besides a great Reputation, and Desire of him, not only among his Friends and Acquaintance, but all the Men of Learning and Probity all over Europe.

* * * * *

Explication of the Roman Names mention’d by Hotoman.

AEdui, People of Chalons and Nevers, of Autun
                       and Mascon.

Agrippina Colonia, Cologn.

Arverni, P. of Auvergne and Bourbonnais.

Armorica, Bretagne and Normandy.

Aquitani, P. of Guienne and Gascogn.

Atrebates, P. of Artois.

Attuarii, P. of Aire in Gascogn.

Augustodunum, Autun.

Aureliani, P. of Orleans.

Aquisgranum, Aix la Chapelle.

Ambiani, P. of Amiens.

Alsaciones, P. of Alsace.

Bigargium, Bigorre forte.

Bibracte, Bavray, in the Diocese of Rheims.

Bituriges, P. of Bourges.

Carisiacum, Crecy.

Cinnesates, P. on the Sea-Coast, between the Elb and
                       the Rhine.

Carnutes, P. of Chartres and Orleans.

Ceutrones, P. of Liege.

Ceutones, P. of Tarentaise in Savoy.

Condrusii, P. of the Condros in Flanders.

Dusiacum, non liquet.

Eburones, P. of the Diocese of Liege, and of Namur.

Gorduni, P. about Ghent and Courtray.

Grudii, P. of Lovain.

Hetrusci, P. of Tuscany.

Laudunum, Laon.

Lexovium, Lisieux.

Lentiates, People about Lens.

Levaci, P. of Hainault.

Leuci, P. of Metz, Toul and Verdun.

Lingones, P. of Langres.

Lugdunum, Lyons.

Project Gutenberg
Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.