The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.

The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.

“We went in, he shuffling after me through the unlighted hall up to the first floor where the murder had taken place, and I prepared myself to hear his inevitable account before turning him out with the half-crown his persistence had earned.  After lighting the gas I sat down in the arm-chair he had provided—­a faded, brown plush arm-chair—­and turned for the first time to face him and get through with the performance as quickly as possible.  And it was in that instant I got my first shock.  The man was not the caretaker.  It was not the old fool, Carey, I had interviewed earlier in the day and made my plans with.  My heart gave a horrid jump.

“‘Now who are you, pray?’ I said.  ’You’re not Carey, the man I arranged with this afternoon.  Who are you?’

“I felt uncomfortable, as you may imagine.  I was a ’psychical researcher,’ and a young woman of new tendencies, and proud of my liberty, but I did not care to find myself in an empty house with a stranger.  Something of my confidence left me.  Confidence with women, you know, is all humbug after a certain point.  Or perhaps you don’t know, for most of you are men.  But anyhow my pluck ebbed in a quick rush, and I felt afraid.

“‘Who are you?’ I repeated quickly and nervously.  The fellow was well dressed, youngish and good-looking, but with a face of great sadness.  I myself was barely thirty.  I am giving you essentials, or I would not mention it.  Out of quite ordinary things comes this story.  I think that’s why it has value.

“‘No,’ he said; ‘I’m the man who was frightened to death.’

“His voice and his words ran through me like a knife, and I felt ready to drop.  In my pocket was the book I had bought to make notes in.  I felt the pencil sticking in the socket.  I felt, too, the extra warm things I had put on to sit up in, as no bed or sofa was available—­a hundred things dashed through my mind, foolishly and without sequence or meaning, as the way is when one is really frightened.  Unessentials leaped up and puzzled me, and I thought of what the papers might say if it came out, and what my ‘smart’ brother-in-law would think, and whether it would be told that I had cigarettes in my pocket, and was a free-thinker.

“‘The man who was frightened to death!’ I repeated aghast.

“‘That’s me,’ he said stupidly.

“I stared at him just as you would have done—­any one of you men now listening to me—­and felt my life ebbing and flowing like a sort of hot fluid.  You needn’t laugh!  That’s how I felt.  Small things, you know, touch the mind with great earnestness when terror is there—­real terror.  But I might have been at a middle-class tea-party, for all the ideas I had:  they were so ordinary!

“’But I thought you were the caretaker I tipped this afternoon to let me sleep here!’ I gasped.  ‘Did—­did Carey send you to meet me?’

“‘No,’ he replied in a voice that touched my boots somehow.  ’I am the man who was frightened to death.  And what is more, I am frightened now!’

Project Gutenberg
The Best Ghost Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.