The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.

The Best Ghost Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Best Ghost Stories.
white habitually driven by the deceased Judge.  A half mile brought them in sight of Judge S.’s gate, when for the third time the ghostly team dashed by in the same dreadful mysterious silence.  This time it turned in full view into the gate.  Without a word of comment the doctor quickened his horse’s speed, and reached the gate only a few yards behind the silent driver.  Both gentlemen peered eagerly up the long, open lane leading to the house; but neither carriage nor wheel-track was visible, though it was still clear daylight, and there was no outlet from the lane, nor could any vehicle in the time occupied accomplish half the distance.  The peculiar features of this strange incident are that it was equally and simultaneously evident to two witnesses, both entirely unprepared for any such manifestation, and differing widely in temperament, habits of life, mental capacity and educational attainments, and by mere accident making this journey together, and that to this day both of them—­witnesses, be it noted, of unimpeachable credibility—­attest it, and fully corroborate each other, but without being able to suggest the slightest explanation.


Peg Alley’s Point is a long and narrow strip of wooded land, situated between the main stream of Miles river and one of the navigable creeks which flow into it.  This little peninsula is about two miles long, from fifty to three hundred yards in width and is bounded by deep water and is overgrown with pine and thick underbrush.  There is extant a tradition to the effect that many years ago a party of Baltimore oystermen encamped on the point, among whom was a man named Alley, who had abandoned his wife.  The deserted woman followed up her husband, and found him at the camp.  After some conversation had passed between them, the man induced her, upon some unknown pretext, to accompany him into a thicket.  The poor wife never came out alive.  Her husband cruelly murdered her with a club.  The point of land has ever since been known by Peg Alley’s name, and her perturbed spirit has been supposed to haunt the scene of her untimely taking off.  About twelve years ago a gang of rail-splitters were at work on the point, and one day the foreman flatly refused to go back, declaring that queer things happened down there, and that he had seen a ghost.  Mr. Kennedy, his employer, laughed at him and dismissed the matter from his mind.  Some time after this Mr. Kennedy had occasion to ride through the woods to look after some sheep, there being but one road and the water on either side.  As he approached the point his horse started violently and refused to go on, regardless of whip or spur.  Glancing about for the cause of this unnatural fright, he saw a woman rise up from a log, a few yards in advance, and stand by the roadside, looking at him.  She was very poorly clad in a faded calico dress, and wore a limp sun-bonnet, from

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The Best Ghost Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.