Later on when the tea and biscuits and preserves and pound cake were served, Joe and Letitia got a chance for a word. “You got back alright through the little green door,” whispered Joe.
Letitia nodded.
“And I came right through that book into grandma’s garret,” whispered Joe, “and I told grandma all about it, and she only laughed and hugged me and said some laws were made to be broken for the good of the breakers. But I am glad to be back here, aren’t you?”
“Oh,” gasped Letitia fervently, and she took a bite of pound cake.
“This would have been corn meal mush there,” said she.
“And I should have got another whipping after I got out of the book like the one I had before I got in,” said Joe.
They both ate pound cake and looked happily at each other. “I think,” said Joe presently, “that it would be better not to tell the other boys and girls about all this. Grandmother thinks so.”
“Aunt Peggy does, too,” said Letitia. “They might think we made it all up, it is so queer. No, we will never tell anybody as long as we live.”