Cabot Sebastian, 64
Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, 24, 37
Caceres, 244
Carabobo, Battle of, 165, 166
Caracas, 90, 147-149, 159
Caribs, 12
Carrera, the Brothers, 173, 174, 266
Casa de Contratacion de los Indias, 75, 76
Casas, Bartolome de Las, 61, 63
Caseros, Battle of, 280
Castelfuerte, Viceroy, 179
Castelli, 167, 168
Castilla, Ramon, 241
Castro, Cristobal Vaca, 112, 113
Castro, President, 290
Caupolican, Araucanian Chief, 58, 59, 124
Cavendish, 93, 96
Chacabuco, Battle of, 176
Charles I. of England, 108
Charles V. of Spain, 28, 33
Chibcha, Indians, 11, 34, 56, 149
Chile, 13, 64-71
Chiquitos, 12
Chiriguanos, 12
Chunchos, 12
Cisneros, Baltasar, Hidalgo de, 167
Cocapac, 5, 6
Cochabamba, 169
Cochrane, Lord, 175, 177, 200, 201
Coelho, Duarte, 39
Colombia, 186, 187
Colonia, 80
Columbus, Bartholomew, 23
Columbus, Christopher, 13-25
Columbus, Diego, 31
Conquistadores, 2, 26-31, 57, 58, 60, 67, 68, 159
Correia, 40
Crespo, President, 289, 290
Criminals used to explore fresh countries, 19, 20, 38, 39
Cuzco, 4, 6, 50, 53
Da Cunha, Paulo, 102
Darwin, 278
Davis, 93
Devereux, General, 161
Dorrego, 276
Drake, Sir Francis, 86, 89, 90, 125
Dutch, 40, 44, 95, 97-109, 126, 127, 129, 148
Dutch method of colonization, 44, 45
Earthquakes, 122, 166
Ecuador, 286-288
Encomiendas, 70, 121
English, General, 161
Ercilla, 73, 124
Fenton, Edward, 96
Ferdinand of Spain, 17-19, 21-24
Fernandes, Joao, 106
Fernando de Noronha, 108
Flores, General Juan Jose, 287
Fonseca, General Deodoro, 218, 220-223
Francia, Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de, 236, 245-250
French in Brazil, 40, 98
Gallado, Antonio, 116
Gama, Admiral da, 224, 225
Gama, Vasco da, 38
Gamarra, President, 240
Garay, Juan de, 71
Gasca, Pedro de la, 113, 114
Gran Reunion Americana, the, 170
Guarani, Indians, the, 11, 67, 81
Guarayos, Indians, 12
Guatavita, Lake of, 60
Guemes, 159, 171, 173
Gueneche, 168, 169
Guianas, the, 12
Guido, 167