Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
And all his actions are accounted hollow’d. 
This world of ours, thus runneth vpon wheeles,
Set on the head, bolt vpright with her heeles; 20
Which makes me thinke of what the Ethnicks told
Th’ opinion, the Pythagorists vphold,
Wander That the immortall soule doth transmigrate; From body Then I suppose by the strong power of fate, to body.  And since that time now many a lingering yeare,
Through fools, and beasts, and lunatiques haue past,
Are heere imbodyed in this age at last,
And though so long we from that time be gone,
Yet taste we still of that confusion. 
For certainely there’s scarse one found that now, 30
Knowes what t’ approoue, or what to disallow,
All arsey varsey, nothing is it’s owne,
But to our prouerbe, all turnd vpside downe;
To doe in time, is to doe out of season,
And that speeds best, thats done the farth’st from reason,
Hee ’s high’st that ’s low’st, hee ’s surest in that ’s out,
He hits the next way that goes farth’st about,
He getteth vp vnlike to rise at all,
He slips to ground as much vnlike to fall;
Which doth inforce me partly to prefer, 40
Zeno. The opinion of that mad Philosopher,
Who taught, that those all-framing powers aboue,
(As ’tis suppos’d) made man not out of loue
To him at all, but only as a thing,
To make them sport with, which they vse to bring
As men doe munkeys, puppets, and such tooles
Of laughter:  so men are but the Gods fooles. 
Such are by titles lifted to the sky,
As wherefore no man knowes, God scarcely why;
The vertuous man depressed like a stone, 50
For that dull Sot to raise himselfe vpon;
He who ne’re thing yet worthy man durst doe,
Neuer durst looke vpon his countrey’s foe,
Nor durst attempt that action which might get
Him fame with men:  or higher might him set
Then the base begger (rightly if compar’d;)
This Drone yet neuer braue attempt that dar’d,
Yet dares be knighted, and from thence dares grow
To any title Empire can bestow;
For this beleeue, that Impudence is now 60
A Cardinall vertue, and men it allow
Reuerence, nay more, men study and inuent
New wayes, nay, glory to be impudent. 
Into the clouds the Deuill lately got,
And by the moisture doubting much the rot,
A medicine tooke to make him purge and cast;
Which in short time began to worke so fast,
That he fell too ’t, and from his backeside flew,
A rout of rascall a rude ribauld crew
Of base Plebeians, which no sooner light, 70
Vpon the earth, but with a suddaine flight,
They spread this Ile, and as Deucalion once
Ouer his shoulder backe, by throwing stones
They became men, euen so these beasts became,
Owners of titles from an obscure name. 
He that by riot, of a mighty rent,
Hath his late goodly Patrimony spent,
Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.