By your strong Magicke, that the Sunne shall rise 70
Where now it setts, and that in some few yeares
You’l alter quite the Motion of the Spheares.
Yes, and you meane, I shall complaine my loue
To grauell’d Walkes, or to a stupid Groue,
Now your companions; and that you the while
(As you are cruell) will sit by and smile,
To make me write to these, while Passers by,
Sleightly looke in your louely face, where I
See Beauties heauen, whilst silly blockheads, they
Like laden Asses, plod vpon their way, 80
And wonder not, as you should point a Clowne
Vp to the Guards, or Ariadnes Crowne;
Of Constellations, and his dulnesse tell.
Hee’d thinke your words were certainly a Spell;
Or him some piece from Creet, or Marcus show,
In all his life which till that time ne’r saw
Painting: except in Alehouse or old Hall
Done by some Druzzler, of the Prodigall.
Nay doe, stay still, whilst time away shall steale
Your youth, and beautie, and your selfe conceale 90
From me I pray you, you haue now inur’d
Me to your absence, and I haue endur’d
Your want this long, whilst I haue starued bine
For your short Letters, as you helde it sinne
To write to me, that to appease my woe,
I reade ore those, you writ a yeare agoe,
Which are to me, as though they had bin made,
Long time before the first Olympiad.
For thankes and curt’sies sell your presence then
To tatling Women, and to things like men, 100
And be more foolish then the Indians are
For Bells, for Kniues, for Glasses, and such ware,
That sell their Pearle and Gold, but here I stay,
So I would not haue you but come away.
Treasurer for the English Colony in VIRGINIA
Friend, if you
thinke my Papers may supplie
You, with some strange omitted
Which others Letters yet haue
left vntould,
You take me off, before I
can take hould
Of you at all; I put not thus
to Sea,
For two monthes Voyage to
With newes which now, a little
something here,
But will be nothing ere it
can come there.
I feare, as I doe Stabbing;
this word, State,
I dare not speake of the Palatinate,
Although some men make it
their hourely theame,
And talke what’s done
in Austria, and in Beame,
I may not so; what Spinola
Nor with his Dutch,
which way Prince Maurice bends;
To other men, although these