Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
    With that quoth I to her, this other day,
    As you doe now, so one that came this way,
    Shew’d me a neate piece, with the needle wrought,
    How Mars and Venus were together caught
    By polt-foot Vulcan in an Iron net;
    It grieu’d me after that I chanc’t to let,
    It to goe from me:  whereat waxing red,
    Into her Hamper she hung downe her head,
    As she had stoup’t some noueltie to seeke,
    But ’twas indeed to hide her blushing Cheeke:  130
    When she her Trinkets trusseth vp anon,
    E’r we were ’ware, and instantly was gone.

      Florimel. But hearke you Nimphes, amongst our idle prate,
    Tis current newes through the Elizian State,
    That Venus and her Sonne were lately seene
    Here in Elizium, whence they oft haue beene
    Banisht by our Edict, and yet still merry,
    Were here in publique row’d o’r at the Ferry,
    Where as ’tis said, the Ferryman and she
    Had much discourse, she was so full of glee, 140
    Codrus much wondring at the blind Boyes Bow.

      Naijs. And what it was, that easly you may know,
    Codrus himselfe comes rowing here at hand.

      Lelipa. Codrus Come hither, let your Whirry stand,
    I hope vpon you, ye will take no state
    Because two Gods haue grac’t your Boat of late;
    Good Ferry-man I pray thee let vs heare
    What talke ye had, aboard thee whilst they were.

      Codrus. Why thus faire Nimphes. 
    As I a Fare had lately past, 150
    And thought that side to ply,
    I heard one as it were in haste;
    A Boate, a Boate, to cry,
    Which as I was aboute to bring,
    And came to view my Fraught,
    Thought I; what more then heauenly thing,
    Hath fortune hither brought. 
    She seeing mine eyes still on her were,
    Soone, smilingly, quoth she;
    Sirra, looke to your Roother there, 160
    Why lookst thou thus at me? 
    And nimbly stept into my Boat,
    With her a little Lad
    Naked and blind, yet did I note,
    That Bow and Shafts he had,
    And two Wings to his Shoulders fixt,
    Which stood like little Sayles,
    With farre more various colours mixt,
    Then be your Peacocks Tayles;
    I seeing this little dapper Elfe, 170
    Such Armes as these to beare,
    Quoth I thus softly to my selfe,
    What strange thing haue we here,
    I neuer saw the like thought I: 
    Tis more then strange to me,
    To haue a child haue wings to fly,
    And yet want eyes to see;
    Sure this is some deuised toy,
    Or it transform’d hath bin,
    For such a thing, halfe Bird,

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.