Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

        Chorus. Sad Muse, O craue of Phoebus_ to inspire
      Vs for his Altars, with his holiest fire,
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
      Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes._

        Nimphes. Comick Thalia_ then we come to thee,
      Thou mirthfull Mayden, onely that in glee
      And loues deceits, thy pleasure tak’st,
      Of which thy varying Scene that mak’st 400
      And in thy nimble Sock do’st stirre
      Loude laughter through the Theater,
      That with the Peasant mak’st the sport,
      As well as with the better sort._

        Chorus.  Thalia craue of Phoebus_ to inspire
      Vs for his Alters with his holyest fier;
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
      Giue life, and growth to our Elizian Bayes._

        Nimphes.  Euterpe next to thee we will proceed,
      That first sound’st out the Musick on the Reed, 410
      With breath and fingers giu’ng life,
      To the shrill Cornet and the Fyfe. 
      Teaching euery stop and kaye,
      To those vpon the Pipe that playe,
      Those which Wind-Instruments we call
      Or soft, or lowd, or greate, or small,

        Chorus.  Euterpe aske of Phebus_ to inspire,
      Vs for his Alters with his holyest fire
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
      Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes._ 420

        Nimphes.  Terpsichore that of the Lute and Lyre,
      And Instruments that sound with Cords and wyere,
      That art the Mistres, to commaund
      The touch of the most Curious hand,
      When euery Quauer doth Imbrace
      His like in a true Diapase,
      And euery string his sound doth fill
      Toucht with the Finger or the Quill.

        Chorus.  Terpsichore, craue Phebus_ to inspire
      Vs for his Alters with his holyest fier 430
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
      Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes._

        Nimphes. Then Erato_ wise muse on thee we call,
      In Lynes to vs that do’st demonstrate all,
      Which neatly, with thy staffe and Bowe,
      Do’st measure, and proportion showe;
      Motion and Gesture that dost teach
      That euery height and depth canst reach,
      And do’st demonstrate by thy Art
      What nature else would not Impart._ 440

        Chorus. Deare Erato_ craue Phebus to inspire
      Vs for his Alters with his holyest fire,
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes,
      Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes._

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.