Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
become the snare
      That soonest vs intangle;
      For that the Loue we beare our Friends
      Though nere so strongly grounded,
      Hath in it certaine oblique ends
      If to the bottome sounded: 
      Our owne well wishing making it,
      A pardonable Treason; 340
      For that is deriud from witt,
      And vnderpropt with reason. 
      For our Deare selues beloued sake
      (Euen in the depth of passion)
      Our Center though our selues we make,
      Yet is not that our station;
      For whilst our Browes ambitious be
      And youth at hand awayts vs,
      It is a pretty thing to see
      How finely Beautie cheats vs, 350
      And whilst with tyme we tryfling stand
      To practise Antique graces
      Age with a pale and withered hand
      Drawes Furowes in our faces._

    When they which so desirous were before
    To hear her sing; desirous are far more
    To haue her cease; and call to haue her stayd
    For she to much alredy had bewray’d. 
    And as the thrice three Sisters thus had grac’d
    Their Celebration, and themselues had plac’d 360
    Vpon a Violet banck, in order all
    Where they at will might view the Festifall
    The Nimphs and all the lusty youth that were
    At this braue Nimphall, by them honored there,
    To Gratifie the heauenly Gerles againe
    Lastly prepare in state to entertaine
    Those sacred Sisters, fairely and confer,
    On each of them, their prayse particular
    And thus the Nimphes to the nine Muses sung. 
    When as the Youth and Forresters among 370
    That well prepared for this businesse were,
    Become the Chorus, and thus sung they there.

        Nimphes.  Clio then first of those Celestiall nine
      That daily offer to the sacred shryne,
      Of wise
Apollo_; Queene of Stories,
      Thou that vindicat’st the glories
      Of passed ages, and renewst
      Their acts which euery day thou viewst,
      And from a lethargy dost keepe
      Old nodding time, else prone to sleepe._ 380

        Chorus.  Clio O craue of Phoebus_ to inspire
      Vs, for his Altars with his holiest fire,
      And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
      Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes._

        Nimphes.  Melpomine thou melancholly Maid
      Next, to wise
Phoebus_ we inuoke thy ayd,
      In Buskins that dost stride the Stage,
      And in thy deepe distracted rage,
      In blood-shed that dost take delight,
      Thy obiect the most fearfull sight, 390
      That louest the sighes, the shreekes, and sounds
      Of horrors, that arise from wounds._

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.