Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
Well yet I dare a Wager lay
That Brag my little Dog shall play,
As dainty tricks when I shall bid,
As Lalus Lambe, or Cleons Kid. 
But t’ may fall out that I may neede them
Till when yee may doe well to feed them;
Your Goate and Mutton pretty be
But Youths these are noe bayts for me, 140
Alasse good men, in vaine ye wooe,
’Tis not your Lambe nor Kid will doe.

Lalus. I haue two Sparrowes white as Snow,
Whose pretty eyes like sparkes doe show;
In her Bosome Venus hatcht them
Where her little Cupid watcht them,
Till they too fledge their Nests forsooke
Themselues and to the Fields betooke,
Where by chance a Fowler caught them
Of whom I full dearely bought them; 150
_* The redde They’ll fetch you Conserue from the Hip, fruit of the And lay it softly on your Lip, smooth Through their nibling bills they’ll Chirup Bramble._ And fluttering feed you with the Sirup,
And if thence you put them by
They to your white necke will flye,
And if you expulse them there
They’ll hang vpon your braded Hayre;
You so long shall see them prattle
Till at length they’ll fall to battle, 160
And when they haue fought their fill,
You will smile to see them bill
These birds my _Lirope’s_ shall be
So thou’lt leaue him and goe with me.

  Cleon. His Sparrowes are not worth a rush

I’le finde as good in euery bush,
Of Doues I haue a dainty paire
Which when you please to take the Air,
About your head shall gently houer
You Cleere browe from the Sunne to couer, 170
And with their nimble wings shall fan you,
That neither Cold nor Heate shall tan you,
And like Vmbrellas with their feathers
Sheeld you in all sorts of weathers: 
They be most dainty Coloured things,
They haue Damask backs and Chequerd wings,
Their neckes more Various Cullours showe
Then there be mixed in the Bowe;
Venus saw the lesser Doue
And therewith was farre in Loue, 180
Offering for’t her goulden Ball
For her Sonne to play withall;
These my Liropes shall be
So shee’ll leaue him and goe with me.

  Lirope. Then for Sparrowes, and for Doues

I am fitted twixt my Loues,
But Lalus I take no delight
In Sparowes, for they’ll scratch and bite
And though ioynd, they are euer wooing
Alwayes billing, if not doeing, 190
Twixt Venus breasts if they haue lyen
I much feare they’ll infect myne;
Cleon your Doues are very dainty,
Tame Pidgeons else you know are plenty,
These may winne some of your Marrowes
I am not caught with Doues, nor Sparrowes,
I thanke ye kindly for your Coste,
Yet your labour is but loste.

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.