Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
whilst he doth cast about,
          What therein were best to doe,
          Nor could yet resolue the doubt,
          Whether he should stay or goe: 
          In those Feilds not farre away,
          There was many a frolike Swaine, 130
          In fresh Russets day by day,
          That kept Reuells on the Plaine. 
          Nimble TOM, sirnam’d the Tup,
          For his Pipe without a Peere,
          And could tickle Trenchmore vp,
          As t’would ioy your heart to heare. 
          RALPH as much renown’d for skill,
          That the Taber touch’d so well;
          For his Gittern, little GILL,
          That all other did excell. 140
          ROCK and ROLLO euery way,
          Who still led the Rusticke Ging,
          And could troule a Roundelay,
          That would make the Feilds to ring,
          COLLIN on his Shalme so cleare,
          Many a high-pitcht Note that had,
          And could make the Eechos nere
          Shout as they were wexen mad. 
          Many a lusty Swaine beside,
          That for nought but pleasure car’d, 150
          Hauing DORILVS espy’d,
          And with him knew how it far’d. 
          Thought from him they would remoue,
          This strong melancholy fitt,
          Or so, should it not behoue,
          Quite to put him out of ’s witt;
          Hauing learnt a Song, which he
          Sometime to Sirena sent,
          Full of Iollity and glee,
          When the Nimph liu’d neere to Trent 160
          They behinde him softly gott,
          Lying on the earth along,
          And when he suspected not,
          Thus the Iouiall Shepheards song.

Neare to the Siluer Trent,
Sirena dwelleth: 
Shee to whom Nature lent
All that excelleth: 
By which the Muses late,
And the neate Graces, 170
Haue for their greater state
Taken their places: 
Twisting an Anadem,
Wherewith to Crowne her,
As it belong’d to them
Most to renowne her. 
Cho. On thy Bancke,
In a Rancke,
Let the Swanes sing her,
And with their Musick, 180
Along let them bring her.

Tagus and Pactolus
Are to thee Debter,
Nor for their gould to vs
Are they the better: 
Henceforth of all the rest,
Be thou the Riuer,
Which as the daintiest,
Puts them downe euer,
For as my precious one, 190
O’r thee doth trauell,
She to Pearl Parragon
Turneth thy grauell. 
Cho. On thy Bancke,
In a Rancke,
Let thy Swanns sing her,
And with their Musicke,
Along let them bring her.

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.