Sorrow would be seen
In her brightest
she is a queen,
Then is she drest
by none but thee.
Then, and only then, she wears
Her richest pearls, I mean
thy tears.
dew no more will weep,
The primrose’s
pale cheek to deck;
dew no more will sleep,
Nuzzled in the
lily’s neck.
Much rather would it tremble
And leave them both to be
thy tear.”
These are some of Crashaw’s “Steps to the Temple”—verily he walked thither on velvet.
“Wishes to his supposed Mistress,” is more than a pretty enumeration of the good qualities of woman as they rise in the heart of a noble, gallant lover:
“Whoe’er she be,
That not impossible she,
That shall command my heart
and me:
“Where’er she
Locked up from mortal eye,
In shady leaves of destiny:
“Till that ripe birth
Of studied fate, stand forth,
And teach her fair steps to
our earth:
“Till that divine
Idea take a shrine
Of crystal flesh, through
which to shine:
“Meet you her, my wishes,
Bespeak her to my blisses,
And be ye call’d my
absent kisses.”
We are not reprinting Crashaw, and must forbear further quotation. It is enough if we have presented to the reader a lily or a rose from his pages, and have given a clue to that treasure-house—
“A box where sweets compacted lie.”
A generation nurtured in poetic susceptibility by the genius of Keats and Tennyson, should not forget the early muse of Crashaw. His verse is the very soul of tenderness and imaginative luxury: less intellectual, less severe in the formation of a broad, manly character than Herbert; catching up the brighter inspirations of Vaughan, and excelling him in richness—it has a warm, graceful garb of its own. It is tinged with the glowing hues of Spenser’s fancy; baptized in the fountains of sacred love, it draws an earthly inspiration from the beautiful in nature and life, as in the devout paintings of the great Italian masters, we find the models of their angels and seraphs on earth.
Thou who look’st with
pitying eye
From Thy radiant home on high,
On the spirit tempest-tost,
Wretched, weary, wandering,
Ever ready help to give,
And entreating, “Look
and live!”
By that love, exceeding thought,
Which from Heaven the Saviour
By that mercy which could
Death to save us from despair,
Lowly bending at Thy feet,
We adore, implore, entreat,
Lifting heart and voice to
Miserere Domine!