A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.
State of West Virginia.  They all send for him; far and near, where they have any fever, and he is so good in fevers, through the Lord, he is sure to bring them out of if they do as he tells them.  May the Lord give him a good long life to do the will of Him who is the greatest doctor after all.  And if we only put our trust in Him we shall find that He will make our sick bed easy for us and He will carry us all the way while we are sick, for He has borne our sorrows and sickness.

To my story as a school girl:  It was full of sweet love and regard, for I gained favor with all of the teachers and professors and all of the pupils.  The Lord be praised for all of this love and joy that came to me in my school days.  Then the love that came from the Washington Avenue Baptist Church of sending me the sum of twenty or thirty dollars to help me in paying my expenses was of the greatest love for one in a school, as I wanted to pay as I went, and then the Sunday-school would send me their money, one of the dear, loving favors of God’s love, and naming each time from which the money came and sending it through the Board at Chicago.  Then Mrs. Conley or Mrs. Connell sent it to me and the Board sent the same way when my own beloved church sent me money.  It was in the time of Mrs. Sarah Fulton and she did not forget me when I was in school.  The Mission Band of our church sent me some money every year after the first year that I went to school.  Sometimes it was to the answer of my prayers that the money came at the time I needed it to pay my board and God be praised for those who from the bottom of their hearts contributed in the grand and good work of education.  For all that I shall do in this life to help some one that needs help, I shall think of the Lord’s love to me and try and do what I can to bring them to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, and to God I owe my life and my all, and if I should fail to love and honor Him I know that He will not remember me before His dear Father in heaven.

Mr. William Lovett, the father of a large family, is one of the finest gentlemen anywhere around the whole country, and is much beloved by all who know him.  The white people who board with him in the Summer time all liked him, for he was so nice and quiet.  He has a large family of girls and boys and all are smart.  He sent two of them to the Hillsdale College when they had finished at the Ferry, and one was John Lovett, who studied law, and the other one, Miss Etta Lovett, was a fine school teacher and a music teacher.

I have just learned that the last one of the girls has married, and that is the youngest of the family.  They all have good partners for life, which does not come to all large families.  God bless such a father and mother, who have taken such good care of the training of their children.

Project Gutenberg
A Slave Girl's Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.