A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

As this day has been one of quiet to me I have wondered what it would be to me if I could look into those bright mansions above and see my two mothers’ faces.  What a joy there would be at the sight of them seeing me and of me seeing them, and we all singing,

    Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. 
      Early in the morning our songs shall rise to Thee;
    Holy, holy, merciful and mighty,
      Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea.

And what a glory it will be for all that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb; and I know that two darling mothers have washed their robes and made them white, and to God be all the praise for the great love that He has shown to poor me, who feels so lonely on this lovely Lord’s day.  How much have I found in His service, too, and if I could be able to go there to-night I feel that I should be blessed, but I have to stay at home to-night as I have not been well for a month or more.  I feel grateful as can be that I could be out this morning, and I will pay vows unto my God as long as I shall live, for He is my rock and my hiding place in the time of trouble.  I have had a storm of them and it is to Him I fly to shield my soul from the evil one, and knowing as do how many hard spells I have had, it is right for me to be as careful as I can, taking the Lord for my healer.  How He has blessed me so many times when there were no other hopes for me to build on, I have found that I could trust in His almighty power.

I shall not forget the kind care of Dr. Matthews, of this lovely city, whom God gave to me when I was very low and the three times a day that he paid his visits to see how I was getting along.  He was so kind in his words to comfort me and to give my mother cheer I shall always think of him kindly, for the snow was so deep that a horse could not travel very well and he had to walk it three times a day.  I had not my white mother then to care for me, but my own mother did what she could for me and I know that she has her reward in heaven for all that she has ever done for me in the times when I needed the most care.

There is good Dr. Reeves, a good Quaker doctor, and I had to have him to attend me.  He was very kind and gentle in his treatment of me and I am very glad that I found such a friend in him, for he was like a father to me?  I shall not overlook dear Dr. Warmsley, who was a good doctor to me and he was kind as he could be, and I shall not forget him, although I have not seen him for a long time.

What shall I say of the last doctor that I was under out West, and that is Dr. J. W. Ford, who was so kind to me as a stranger.  He would come when he was sent for.  It made no difference what time of day or night.  It might be you would find him on his way where he was sent for and sometimes he would be on the road all night long, for he is the best doctor in the county, and I was going to say the best in the

Project Gutenberg
A Slave Girl's Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.