Stories from Hans Andersen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Stories from Hans Andersen.
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Stories from Hans Andersen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Stories from Hans Andersen.

‘Those are exactly my opinions,’ they all said, and the music-master got leave to show the bird to the public next Sunday.  They were also to hear it sing, said the emperor.  So they heard it, and all became as enthusiastic over it as if they had drunk themselves merry on tea, because that is a thoroughly Chinese habit.

Then they all said ‘Oh,’ and stuck their forefingers in the air and nodded their heads; but the poor fishermen who had heard the real nightingale said, ’It sounds very nice, and it is very like the real one, but there is something wanting, we don’t know what.’  The real nightingale was banished from the kingdom.

The artificial bird had its place on a silken cushion, close to the emperor’s bed:  all the presents it had received of gold and precious jewels were scattered round it.  Its title had risen to be ’Chief Imperial Singer of the Bed-Chamber,’ in rank number one, on the left side; for the emperor reckoned that side the important one, where the heart was seated.  And even an emperor’s heart is on the left side.  The music-master wrote five-and-twenty volumes about the artificial bird; the treatise was very long and written in all the most difficult Chinese characters.  Everybody said they had read and understood it, for otherwise they would have been reckoned stupid, and then their bodies would have been trampled upon.

[Illustration:  The music-master wrote five-and-twenty volumes about the artificial bird; the treatise was very long and written in all the most difficult Chinese characters.]

Things went on in this way for a whole year.  The emperor, the court, and all the other Chinamen knew every little gurgle in the song of the artificial bird by heart; but they liked it all the better for this, and they could all join in the song themselves.  Even the street boys sang ‘zizizi’ and ‘cluck, cluck, cluck,’ and the emperor sang it too.

But one evening when the bird was singing its best, and the emperor was lying in bed listening to it, something gave way inside the bird with a ‘whizz.’  Then a spring burst, ‘whirr’ went all the wheels, and the music stopped.  The emperor jumped out of bed and sent for his private physicians, but what good could they do?  Then they sent for the watchmaker, and after a good deal of talk and examination he got the works to go again somehow; but he said it would have to be saved as much as possible, because it was so worn out, and he could not renew the works so as to be sure of the tune.  This was a great blow!  They only dared to let the artificial bird sing once a year, and hardly that; but then the music-master made a little speech, using all the most difficult words.  He said it was just as good as ever, and his saying it made it so.

Five years now passed, and then a great grief came upon the nation, for they were all very fond of their emperor, and he was ill and could not live, it was said.  A new emperor was already chosen, and people stood about in the street, and asked the gentleman-in-waiting how their emperor was going on.

Project Gutenberg
Stories from Hans Andersen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.