Stories from Hans Andersen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Stories from Hans Andersen.
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Stories from Hans Andersen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Stories from Hans Andersen.

‘Little nightingale!’ called the kitchen-maid quite loud, ’our gracious emperor wishes you to sing to him!’

‘With the greatest of pleasure!’ said the nightingale, warbling away in the most delightful fashion.

‘It is just like crystal bells,’ said the gentleman-in-waiting.  ’Look at its little throat, how active it is.  It is extraordinary that we have never heard it before!  I am sure it will be a great success at court!’

‘Shall I sing again to the emperor?’ said the nightingale, who thought he was present.

‘My precious little nightingale,’ said the gentleman-in-waiting, ’I have the honour to command your attendance at a court festival to-night, where you will charm his gracious majesty the emperor with your fascinating singing.’

‘It sounds best among the trees,’ said the nightingale, but it went with them willingly when it heard that the emperor wished it.

[Illustration:  ’Is it possible?’ said the gentleman-in-waiting.  ’I should never have thought it was like that.  How common it looks.  Seeing so many grand people must have frightened all its colours away.’]

The palace had been brightened up for the occasion.  The walls and the floors, which were all of china, shone by the light of many thousand golden lamps.  The most beautiful flowers, all of the tinkling kind, were arranged in the corridors; there was hurrying to and fro, and a great draught, but this was just what made the bells ring; one’s ears were full of the tinkling.  In the middle of the large reception-room where the emperor sat a golden rod had been fixed, on which the nightingale was to perch.  The whole court was assembled, and the little kitchen-maid had been permitted to stand behind the door, as she now had the actual title of cook.  They were all dressed in their best; everybody’s eyes were turned towards the little grey bird at which the emperor was nodding.  The nightingale sang delightfully, and the tears came into the emperor’s eyes, nay, they rolled down his cheeks; and then the nightingale sang more beautifully than ever, its notes touched all hearts.  The emperor was charmed, and said the nightingale should have his gold slipper to wear round its neck.  But the nightingale declined with thanks; it had already been sufficiently rewarded.

’I have seen tears in the eyes of the emperor; that is my richest reward.  The tears of an emperor have a wonderful power!  God knows I am sufficiently recompensed!’ and then it again burst into its sweet heavenly song.

‘That is the most delightful coquetting I have ever seen!’ said the ladies, and they took some water into their mouths to try and make the same gurgling when any one spoke to them, thinking so to equal the nightingale.  Even the lackeys and the chambermaids announced that they were satisfied, and that is saying a great deal; they are always the most difficult people to please.  Yes, indeed, the nightingale had made a sensation.  It was to stay at court now, and to have its own cage, as well as liberty to walk out twice a day, and once in the night.  It always had twelve footmen, with each one holding a ribbon which was tied round its leg.  There was not much pleasure in an outing of that sort.

Project Gutenberg
Stories from Hans Andersen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.