Gilbert, C., 169.
Giles Gingerbread, 74, 110, 140, 159.
Gilman, Caroline, 194, 195.
Going to Jerusalem, 209.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 51, 52, 80, 82, 95, 108, 159, 219, 220.
Good Lessons for Children, 18, 127, 227.
Good Natur’d Man, 219.
Goodrich, Samuel G., 129, 194-196, 198, 199, 201, 208, 213-215, 218, 222-225.
Goody Two-Shoes, 52, 53, 55, 89, 101, 110, 116-118, 123, 140-142, 159.
Greeley, Horace, 196.
Green, Samuel, 10, 13, 14.
Green, Timothy, 17.
Gulliver’s Adventures, 125.
Guy of Warwick, 8.
HAIL Columbia, 148, 211.
Hale, Richard W., 208.
Hale, Sarah J., 193, 208, 209.
Hall, Anna Maria, 197, 199.
Hall, David, 59, 62, 100.
Hall, Samuel, 124, 125.
Hall, William, 100.
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 148.
Hannah Swanton, the Casco Captive, 206.
Happy Child, 40.
Harper and Brothers, 206, 216.
Harris, Benjamin, 14.
Harris, John, 182, 183.
Harry and Lucy, 155, 156, 164, 220.
Harvey, John, 182.
Hawkins, Laetitia Matilda, 219.
Hawthorne, Julian, 78, 129, 130.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 149, 196, 227.
Hebrides, 153.
Henrietta Harrison, 211.
Hildeburn, Charles R., 65, 93.
Hill, George Birbeck, 141.
Hill, Hannah, 21, 186.
Histoires ou Contes du Tems Passe, 219.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 69.
History of a Doll, 136.
History of printing in America, 18, 19.
History of the American Revolution, 123.
History of the Holy Jesus, 39, 40, 103.
History of the Institution of Cyrus, 130.
History of the Robins, 129.
Hive, The, 195.
Hobby Horse, The, 42, 80.
Hofland, Barbara, 197, 198.
Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, 162-164, 184, 196, 201.
Holy Bible in Verse, 15.
Home, 226.
Home of Washington, 28.
Hopkinson, Joseph, 148.
Hot Buttered Beans, 209.
House that Jack Built, 19.
Howard, Mr., 29.
Hudibras, 161.
Hunt the Thimble, 209.
Hymns for Infant Minds, 184.
Hymns in Prose and Verse, 128.
“IANTHE.” See Embury.
Illman, Thomas, 196.
Infidel Class, 206.
Irving, Washington, 148, 191.
JACK and Jill, 219.
Jack the Giant Killer, 8, 141.
Jacky Dandy’s Delight, 107, 108.
James, William, 175, 176.
Jane Grey, 24.
Janeway, James, 17, 186.
Jenny Twitchell’s Jests, 90.
Joe Miller’s Jests, 90.
Johnson, Benjamin, 164, 178, 183, 192.
Johnson, Jacob, 152, 155, 156, 159, 164, 173, 178, 183.