Annales of Madame de Genlis, 134.
Annual Register, 163.
Anthony and Clara, 210.
Arabian Nights, 162.
Argalus & Parthenia, 90.
Arnold, Benedict, 97, 98.
Arthur’s Geographical Grammar, 99.
Art’s Treasury, 90.
Ashe, Thomas T., 207.
Ashton, John, 54.
Atlantic Stories, 210.
Avery, S., 180.
BABCOCK, Sidney, 167, 168.
Bache, Benjamin, 100, 101, 104, 105, 127.
Bag of Nuts ready Cracked, 107.
Bailey, Francis, 123.
Banbury Chap-Books, 53, 70, 117.
Barbauld, Anna Letitia, 127-129, 132, 140-142, 152, 155, 163, 188, 218.
Barclay, Andrew, 102, 103.
Baskerville, John, 103.
Battelle, E., 102.
Battle of the Kegs, 97.
Be Merry and Wise, 67, 106.
Beecher, Rev. Dr. Lyman, 162.
Belcher, J., 170, 171.
Bell, Robert, 75, 76, 89, 100, 101.
Benezet, Anthony, 101.
Berquin, Arnaud, 134, 159, 161.
Bewick, Thomas, 117, 118, 135, 166, 168, 169.
Bewick’s Quadrupeds, 168.
Bibliography of Worcester, 102.
Big and Little Puzzling Caps, 107.
Biography for Boys, 115.
Biography for Girls, 114, 115.
Birthday Stories, 210.
Blossoms of Morality, 165.
Blue Beard, The History of, 141, 165.
Body of Divinity versified, 22.
Book for Boys and Girls; or, Country Rhimes for Children, 11.
Book for Boys and Girls; or, Temporal Things Spiritualized, 13.
Book of Knowledge, 90, 103.
Book of Martyrs, 10.
Books for Children, 222.
Bookseller of the last century, The, 51, 54.
Boone, Daniel, 198.
Boone, Nicholas, 17.
Boston Chronicle, 74, 75.
Boston Evening Post, 38, 43, 73.
Boston Gazette and Country Journal, 80.
Boston News Letter, 19.
Boston Public Library, 74.
Bowen, Abel, 169, 221.
Boy and his Paper of Plumbs, 12.
Boy and the Watchmaker, 12.
Boy’s Own Book, 209.
Boyle, John, 76, 77.
Bradford, Andrew, 20, 21, 126.
Bradford, Thomas, 59, 90, 100.
Brewer, printer, 167.
Brooke, Henry, 130.
Brooks, Elbridge, 215.
Brother’s Gift, 80, 111, 112.
Browne, Miss, 197.
Brynberg, Peter, 165.
Buccaneers of America, 90.
Bunyan, John, 10-13.
Burr, Aaron, 132-134.
Burr, Theodosia, 132, 133.
Burton, R., 36, 37.
Burton’s Historical Collections, 36.
Busy Bee, 187.
Butcher, Elizabeth, 21, 40, 186.
Butterworth, Hezekiah, 132.
CADET’S Sister, 210.
Cameron, Lucy Lyttleton, 152, 184.