The Sport of the Gods eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The Sport of the Gods.
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The Sport of the Gods eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The Sport of the Gods.

The artist shook his head.  “No, Maurice,” he said, “I can accept no more from you.  I have already used up all my own money and too much of yours in this hopeless fight.  I don’t suppose I was ever cut out for an artist, or I ’d have done something really notable in this time, and would not be a burden upon those who care for me.  No, I ’ll give up going to Paris and find some work to do.”

“Frank, Frank, be silent.  This is nonsense, Give up your art?  You shall not do it.  You shall go to Paris as usual.  Leslie and I have perfect faith in you.  You shall not give up on account of this misfortune.  What are the few paltry dollars to me or to you?”

“Nothing, nothing, I know.  It is n’t the money, it ’s the principle of the thing.”

“Principle be hanged!  You go back to Paris to-morrow, just as you had planned.  I do not ask it, I command it.”

The younger man looked up quickly.

“Pardon me, Frank, for using those words and at such a time.  You know how near my heart your success lies, and to hear you talk of giving it all up makes me forget myself.  Forgive me, but you ’ll go back, won’t you?”

“You are too good, Maurice,” said Frank impulsively, “and I will go back, and I ’ll try to redeem myself.”

“There is no redeeming of yourself to do, my dear boy; all you have to do is to mature yourself.  We ’ll have a detective down and see what we can do in this matter.”

Frank gave a scarcely perceptible start.  “I do so hate such things,” he said; “and, anyway, what ’s the use?  They ’ll never find out where the stuff went to.”

“Oh, you need not be troubled in this matter.  I know that such things must jar on your delicate nature.  But I am a plain hard-headed business man, and I can attend to it without distaste.”

“But I hate to shove everything unpleasant off on you, It ’s what I ’ve been doing all my life.”

“Never mind that.  Now tell me, who was the last person you remember in your room?”

“Oh, Esterton was up there awhile before dinner.  But he was not alone two minutes.”

“Why, he would be out of the question anyway.  Who else?”

“Hamilton was up yesterday.”


“Yes, for a while.  His boy, Joe, shaved me, and Jack was up for a while brushing my clothes.”

“Then it lies between Jack and Joe?”

Frank hesitated.

“Neither one was left alone, though.”

“Then only Hamilton and Esterton have been alone for any time in your room since you left the key in your cabinet?”

“Those are the only ones of whom I know anything.  What others went in during the day, of course, I know nothing about.  It could n’t have been either Esterton or Hamilton.”

“Not Esterton, no.”

“And Hamilton is beyond suspicion.”

“No servant is beyond suspicion.”

“I would trust Hamilton anywhere,” said Frank stoutly, “and with anything.”

Project Gutenberg
The Sport of the Gods from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.