The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

=Riverside Drive and Park.= Riverside Drive, on the east bank starting at 72d Street, is pronounced the finest residential avenue in the world.  Distinguished among many noble residences is the home of Charles M. Schwab at 73d Street, which cost two million dollars; built on the New York Orphan Asylum plot for which he paid $860,000.

=The Soldiers and Sailors Monument=, 89th Street, a memorial to the citizens of New York, who took part in the Civil War, a beautiful work of art, circular in form, with Corinthian columns, erected by the city at a cost of a quarter of million of dollars was dedicated May 30, 1902.  The corner-stone was laid in 1900 by President Roosevelt, at that time Governor.  The location was well selected, and it presents one of the most attractive features of the river front.

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  We celebrate our hundredth year
    With thankful hearts and words of praise,
  And learn a lasting lesson here
    Of trust and hope for coming days.

  Wallace Bruce.

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=Columbia University=, on Morningside Heights, has a fine outlook, crowning a noble site worthy of the old college, whose sons have been to the fore since the days of the Revolution in promoting the glory of the state and the nation.  President Low has happily styled “Morningside,” which extends from 116th to 120th Streets, “The Acropolis of the new world.”  The Library Building which he erected to his father’s memory, is of Greek architecture and cost $1,500,000.  It contains 300,000 volumes and is open night and day to the public.  It also marks the battle ground and American victory of Harlem Heights in 1776.

=The Cathedral of St. John the Divine= (Protestant Episcopal), now in process of erection, occupies three blocks from 110th Street to 113th between Morningside Park and Amsterdam Avenue.  The corner stone was laid in 1892 to be completed about 1940 at a cost of $6,000,000.  The crypt quarried out of the solid rock has been completed and services are held in it every Sunday.  Near at hand will be seen the beautiful dome of St. Luke’s Hospital.

=Grant’s Tomb=, Riverside Drive and 123d Street, has the most commanding site of the Hudson River front of New York.  The bluff rises 130 feet and still retains the name of Claremont.  The apex of the memorial is 280 feet above the river.  Ninety thousand people contributed to the “Grant Monument Association fund” which, with interest, aggregated $600,000.  The corner stone was laid by President Harrison in 1892 and dedicated April 27, 1897, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of Grant’s birth, with a great military, naval and civil parade.  The occasion was marked by an address of President McKinley and an oration of Gen. Horace Porter, president of the Grant Monument Association.

Project Gutenberg
The Hudson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.