The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

“On the 29th of August an English Squadron under the direction of Col.  Richard Nicolls, the Duke’s Deputy Governor, appeared off the Narrows, and on Sept. 8th New Amsterdam, defenseless against the force, was formally surrendered by Stuyvesant.  In 1673 (August 7th) war being declared between England and Holland a Dutch squadron surprised New York, captured the City and restored the Dutch authority, and the names of New Netherland and New Amsterdam.  But in July, 1674, a treaty of peace restored New York to English rule.  A new patent was issued to the Duke of York, and Major Edmund Andros was appointed Governor.”

=New York.=—­On the 10th of November, 1674, the Province of New Netherland was surrendered to Governor Major Edmund Andros on behalf of his Britannic Majesty.  The letter sent by Governor Andros to the Dutch Governor is interesting in this connection:  “Being arrived to this place with orders to receive from you in the behalf of his Majesty of Great Britain, pursuant to the late articles of peace with the States Generals of the United Netherlands, the New Netherlands and Dependencies, now under your command, I have herewith, by Capt.  Philip Carterett and Ens.  Caesar Knafton, sent you the respective orders from the said States General, the States of Zealand and Admirality of Amsterdam to that effect, and desire you’ll please to appoint some short time for it.  Our soldiers having been long aboard, I pray you answer by these gentlemen, and I shall be ready to serve you in what may lay in my power.  Being from aboard his Majesty’s ship, ’The Diamond,’ at anchor near.  Your very humble servant.  Staten Island this 22d Oct., 1674.”  After nineteen days’ deliberation, which greatly annoyed Governor Andros, New Amsterdam was transferred from Dutch to English authority.

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  All white with sails thy keel-thronged waters flee
  Through one rich lapse of plenty to the sea.

  Knickerbocker Magazine.

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“In 1683 Thomas Dongan succeeded Andros.  A general Assembly, the first under the English rule, met in October, 1683, and adopted a Charter of Liberties, which was confirmed by the Duke.  In August, 1684, a new covenant was made with the Iroquois, who formally acknowledged the jurisdiction of Great Britain, but not subjection.  By the accession of the Duke of York to the English throne the Duchy of New York became a royal province.  The Charters of the New England Colonies were revoked, and together with New York and New Jersey they were consolidated into the dominion of New England.  Dongan was recalled and Sir Edmund Andros was commissioned Governor General.  He assumed his vice regal authority August 11, 1688.  The Assembly which James had abolished in 1686 was reestablished, and in May declared the rights and privileges of the people, reaffirming the principles of the repealed Charter of Liberties of October 30, 1683.”

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  “Queen of all lovely rivers, lustrous queen
  Of flowing waters in our sweet new lands,
  Rippling through sunlight to the ocean sands.”

Project Gutenberg
The Hudson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.