The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

Pollopel’s Island, at northern portal of the Highlands.

Idlewild, above Cornwall, former home of N. P. Willis.

Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh, seen as the boat approaches the city.  A flag-staff marks the point.

Newburgh, west bank, 59 miles from New York.

Fishkill Landing, on east bank, opposite Newburgh.

* * *

  Let us toast our foster-father, the Republic as you know—­
  Who in the path of science taught us upward for to go—­
  And the maidens of our native land whose cheeks like roses glow,
  They’re oft remembered in our songs, at Benny Havens—­oh!

  Benny Havens, West Point.

* * *

Low Point or Carthage, 4 miles above Fishkill.

Devil’s Dans Kammer, point on west bank covered with cedars.

New Hamburg, above Low Point, on the east side.

Hampton Point, opposite New Hamburgh.  Here are the finest white cedars on the river.

Irving Grinnell’s Residence, “Netherwood," east bank, just distinguished through the trees.

Shawangunk Mountains, on the west side, reach away in the distance toward the Catskills.

Marlborough and Milton, on west bank.

Locust Grove. Home of the late Prof.  S. F. B. Morse on east bank, with square central tower.

The Lookout, a wooded hill owned by Poughkeepsie Cemetery.

Livingston Place, now occupied by a rolling mill.

Vassar Brothers Hospital, brick building on the hillside.

Poughkeepsie, 74 miles from New York.

Poughkeepsie Bridge, 12,608 feet in length.  Track 212 feet above tide-water.

Mrs. John F. Winslow’s Residence, seen through opening of trees on east bank.

Hudson River State Hospital. Large red buildings on east bank, two miles north of Poughkeepsie.

Hyde Park, on the east side.

Residence of Frederick W. Vanderbilt, with white marble Corinthian columns.

Manresa Institute, large building above Crum Elbow, on west side.

A.  R. Frothingham. Grecian portico with columns.

John Burrough’s brown stone cottage, north of Frothingham’s.

The Novitiate of the Redemption Fathers, a large new building on west bank at Esopus.

Staatsburgh, on east side. Dock and ice houses in foreground.

* * *

  While fashion seeks the islands
    Encircled by the sea,
  Taste finds the Hudson Highlands
    More beautiful to see.

  George P. Morris.

* * *

D.  O. Mills’ Mansion, palatial residence on the east bank above Staatsburgh.

Dinsmore’s Residence, a large building charmingly located on Dinsmore Point, east bank.

Project Gutenberg
The Hudson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.