The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

The Hudson eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about The Hudson.

Peekskill, east bank, pleasantly located on Peekskill Bay.

New York State Encampment, on bluff north of Peekskill Creek.

Kidd’s Point, on west bank, where steamer enters Highlands almost at a right angle.

Dunderberg Mountain, west bank, forming with Manito Mountain on the east southern portal of Highlands.

Iona Island, former pleasure resort for excursions, now converted to Government use.

The Race. The river channel is so termed by navigators, between Iona Island and the east bank.

Anthony’s Nose, east bank, with railroad tunnel.

Montgomery Creek, on west side, empties into the Hudson about opposite the point of Anthony’s Nose. Fort Clinton was on the south side of this creek, and Fort Montgomery on the north side.

J.  Pierpont Morgan’s Residence, on west bank.

Sugar-Loaf, east bank, resembling an old “sugar-loaf” to one looking north from Anthony’s Nose.

* * *

  From Stony Point to Bemis Height,
    From Saratoga to the sea,
  We trace the lines, now dark, now bright,
    From seventy-six to eighty-three.

  Wallace Bruce.

* * *

Beverley Dock, at foot of Sugar-Loaf, from which point Arnold fled to the “Vulture.”

Lady-Cliff Academy, (west side) on bluff.

Hamilton Fish’s Residence, on hill, east side.

William H. Osborne’s Residence, on east bank; house with pointed tower north of Sugar-Loaf.

Sam Sloan’s lookout tower, east side, on top of mountain.  Residence on hillside below.

Buttermilk Falls, on west bank.

West Point, 50 miles from New York, Academy Buildings and Parade Grounds.

Memorial Hall, building on bluff above landing.

Kosciusko’s Garden with monument and spring below Memorial.

Garrison, opposite West Point on east bank.

Fort Putnam (596 feet), above the Hudson on west.

West Point Hotel, west bank, wide outlook to the north.

Battle Monument, surmounted by Statue of “Victory.”

Constitution Island, on east bank; chain was thrown across the river at this point during the Revolution.

Old Cro’ Nest, picturesque mountain north of West Point on west bank.

Cold Spring, on east bank, opposite Old Cro’ Nest.

Undercliff, once the home of George P. Morris, on slope north of Cold Spring.

Break Neck Mountain, on east bank, from which point the Highlands trend away to the northeast, known as the Beacon Mountains or the Fishkill Range.

Storm King, on west bank, marking northern portal of the Highlands.

Cornwall, under the slope of Storm King.

Project Gutenberg
The Hudson from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.