Sensation, element in perception, 20;
discrimination and classification
of, 21;
interpretation of, 22;
inattention to, 39, 87;
modified by central reaction,
39, 87, 89, 91;
confusion of novel, 40;
indistinct, 41;
misinterpretation of, 44;
relation of, to stimulus,
46, 50;
limits to discrimination of,
after-impression, 55;
subjective, 59, 62, 107, 143;
localization of, 59.
Sensibility, limits of, 50;
variations of, 64.
Sensualism, philosophic, 348.
Shadow, cast, 77.
Shakespeare, 3.
Sight, mode of perception, 19, 33, 34,
48, 49;
local discrimination in, 52;
single vision, 54;
localization of impression
in, 60;
in sleep, 139;
images of, in sleep, 150,
Single, vision, 54;
touch, 72.
Sleep, mystery of, 127;
physiology of, 131.
Sleight of hand. See Conjuror.
Smell, as mode of perception, 34, note[14];
localization of impression
in, 60;
subjective sensations of,
in sleep, 141;
and taste, 171.
Solidity, illusory perception of, 75, 96.
Space, representation of, 207.
Specific energy of nerves, 58.
Spectra, ocular, etc. See Subjective sensation.
Spencer, Herbert, 32, note[12], 128, note[69], 323, 340.
Spinoza, 143, 184.
Spiritualist seances, 103, 107, 123, 265.
Stereoscope, 75.
Stewart, Dugald, 172, 306.
Stimulus, qualitative relation of, to
sensations, 46, 58, 67;
quantitative relation of,
to sensation, 50, 64;
after-effect of, 55;
prolonged action of, 56;
subjective or internal, 62;
exceptional relation of, to
organ, 70;
action of, in sleep, 135,
139, 143;
in hypnotic condition, 186.
Struempell, L., 144, 147, note[89].
Subjective, experience, 26, 27, 137, 214;
movement, 51, 57;
sensation, 59, 62, 107, 113,
121, 143.
Suggestion, by external circumstances,
30, 44, 89, 91, 267;
verbal, 30, 106, 188, 215,
268, 301, 310.
Symbol, dream as, 129, 149.
Sympathy, basis of knowledge, 223;
and illusion of insight, 223;
and illusion of memory, 277;
and momentary illusion, 293.
Taine, H., 60, note[29], 108, note[54],
117, note[59], 137,
298, note[137], 356, note[158].
Taste, aesthetic. See AEsthetic intuition.
Taste, localization of impression in,
subjective sensations of,
variations in sensibility,
activity of, in sleep, 141;
and smell, 171.
Temperament, a factor in sense-illusion,
in dreams, 137;
in illusory belief, 325;
in illusion generally, 334,