Immediate. See Cognition.
Individual, and common experience, 26,
27, 137, 209, 214, 336;
dream-experience as, 44, 68;
internal experience as, 209;
memory as, 232;
belief and truth, 338.
Inference, and immediate knowledge, 6,
in perception, 22, 26, 68;
in belief, 295.
Innate, recollection as, 280;
principles, 295, 356.
Insane, sense-illusions of, 63, 65, 111;
hallucinations of, 118;
dreaming and state of, 182;
mnemonic illusions of, 278,
beliefs of, 327.
Insight, nature of, 217;
illusions of, defined, 220;
passive illusions of, 220;
histrionic illusion, 222;
active illusions of, 223;
poetic interpretation of nature,
value of faculty of, 228.
Interpretation, in correct perception,
of impression and experience,
and volition, 95;
and fixed habits of mind,
and temporary attitude of
mind, 102;
of sensations in dreams, 137,
of internal feelings, 203;
of others’ feelings,
of nature by poet, 225;
recollection as, 242.
Introspection, nature of, 14, 189;
illusory forms of, 190;
confusion of inner and outer
experiences, 194;
inaccurate inspection of feelings,
presentation and representation
confused, 199;
feelings and inferences from
these, 203;
moral self-scrutiny, 204;
philosophic, 205;
value of, 208.
Intuition. See Cognition.
Intuitivism, 348.
Jackson, Dr. J. Hughlings, 27, note[9], 33, 123, note[67].
Johnson, Dr., 116.
Klang, as compound sensation, 53.
Knowledge. See Cognition.
Language, function of, 195.
Leibnitz, 133.
Lelut, L.F., 120, note[66].
Lessing, G. E., 133, note[73].
Leuret, 290, note[135].
Lewes, G.H., 28, 32, note[12], 52, note[30],
62, note[1], 68,
note[35], 89, note[45], 115,
note[58], 150.
Life, our estimate of, 323, 326, 327.
Light, sensation and perception of, 59;
effects of reflection and
refraction, of, 73;
representation, of, in painting,
88, 91;
action of, in sleep, 140.
Localization, as local discrimination
of sensations, 52;
as localizing of sensations,
59, 60;
illusory, 61, 82;
in hallucination, 118, 119;
in dreaming, 148;
of events in time, in memory,
238, 245;
in expectation, 304.
Locke, 133, note[73].
Lotze, H., 60, note[29].
Lover, illusion of, 224, 227, 342.
Luminosity of painting, 88, 91.