Gruithuisen, 143, 144.
Gurney, E., 224, note[109].
Hall, G.S., 186, note[102].
Hallucination, and illusion, 11, 109,
111, 112, 121;
and subjective sensation,
63, 109, 121;
sensory and motor, 66;
nervous conditions of, 112-114;
incomplete and complete, 113;
as having either central or
peripheral origin, 113;
causes of, classified, 115;
in sane condition, 116;
in insanity, 118;
visual and auditory, 119;
dreams regarded as, 139, 151;
hypnagogic, 143;
after-dreams and ghosts, 183;
of memory, 271;
relation of, to errors of
belief, 322;
intuition of external world
regarded as, 355.
Happiness, feeling of, 200.
Harmful, illusion as, 188, 229, 292, 339.
Harmless, illusions as, 124, 292, 341.
Hartley, D., 139, 256, note[124], 279.
Hearing, as mode of perception, 34, 48;
localization of impression
in, 60;
sense of direction in, 72;
activity of, in sleep, 140;
and muscular sense, 171.
Heidenhain, Dr., 186-188.
Helmholtz, H., 22, 23, note[7], 44, 51,
54 and note[22], 55, note[23],
57, 67, note[33], 78, note[39],
80, 85, note[43], 88, 90, 207,
Heraclitus, 137.
Heredity, and illusion of memory, 280;
action of, in perpetuating
intuition, 359.
Hering, E., 67, note[33].
Hodgson, Shadworth H., 347, note[153].
Holland, Sir H., 277.
Hood, Thomas, 146.
Hope, illusory. See Expectation.
Hoppe, Dr. J.I., 51, 58, note[26].
Horwicz, A., 145, note[85].
Hume, D., 355.
Huxley, Professor T., 119, note[1].
Hyperaesthesia, 65.
Hypnotism, 185.
Hypochondria, 65.
Hypothesis, as illusory, 310, 311.
Idealism, 348.
Identity, cases of mistaken, 267.
Identity, personal, confusion of, in dreams,
consciousness of, 241, 267,
282, 285;
illusory forms of, 283;
gross disturbances of, in
normal life, 287;
in abnormal life, 289;
momentary confusions of, 293.
Illusion, definition of, 1;
varieties of, 9;
extent of, 328;
rationale of, 331,
Image (physical). See Reflection.
Image (mental), in perception, 22;
seat of, 32;
in dreams, 138;
mnemonic, 236.
Imagination, play of, in perception, 95,
and sense-illusion, 106;
nature of, in dreaming, 136,
as antecedent of dream, 152,
as poetic interpretation of
nature, 224;
memory corrupted by effect
of past, 264, 273, 277;
present, creating the semblance
of recollection, 267, 271;
play of, in expectation, 305;
as element of illusion generally,