Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

It would seem that they must be always either very busy for the good of others, or else extremely ill themselves.  Some natural delicacy of constitution, in fact, with an unfortunate turn for medicine, especially quack medicine, had given them an early tendency at various times to various disorders.  The rest of their suffering was from their own fancy, the love of distinction, and the love of the wonderful.  They had charitable hearts and many amiable feelings; but a spirit of restless activity, and the glory of doing more than anybody else, had a share in every exertion of benevolence, and there was vanity in all they did, as well as in all they endured.

These peculiarities come out in the following letter of Diana Parker to her brother:—­

’MY DEAR TOM,—­We were much grieved at your accident, and if you had not described yourself as having fallen into such very good hands, I should have been with you at all hazards the day after receipt of your letter, though it found me suffering under a more severe attack than usual of my old grievance, spasmodic bile, and hardly able to crawl from my bed to the sofa.  But how were you treated?  Send me more particulars in your next.  If indeed a simple sprain, as you denominate it, nothing would have been so judicious as friction—­friction by the hand alone, supposing it could be applied immediately.  Two years ago I happened to be calling on Mrs. Sheldon, when her coachman sprained his foot, as he was cleaning the carriage, and could hardly limp into the house; but by the immediate use of friction alone, steadily persevered in (I rubbed his ancle with my own hands for four hours without intermission), he was well in three days. . . .  Pray never run into peril again in looking for an apothecary on our account; for had you the most experienced man in his line settled at Sanditon, it would be no recommendation to us.  We have entirely done with the whole medical tribe.  We have consulted physician after physician in vain, till we are quite convinced that they can do nothing for us, and that we must trust to our knowledge of our own wretched constitutions for any relief; but if you think it advisable for the interests of the place to get a medical man there, I will undertake the commission with pleasure, and have no doubt of succeeding.  I could soon put the necessary irons in the fire.  As for getting to Sanditon myself, it is an impossibility.  I grieve to say that I cannot attempt it, but my feelings tell me too plainly that in my present state the sea-air would probably be the death of me; and in truth I doubt whether Susan’s nerves would be equal to the effort.  She has been suffering much from headache, and six leeches a day, for ten days together, relieved her so little that we thought it right to change our measures; and being convinced on examination that much of the evil lay in her gums, I persuaded her to attack the disorder there.  She has accordingly had three
Project Gutenberg
Memoir of Jane Austen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.