Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

‘Yes, sir, yes.’  And the Admiral was hastily left, the door was closed, and the moment arrived in which Anne was alone with Captain Wentworth.

She could not attempt to see how he looked, but he walked immediately to a window as if irresolute and embarrassed, and for about the space of five seconds she repented what she had done—­censured it as unwise, blushed over it as indelicate.  She longed to be able to speak of the weather or the concert, but could only compass the relief of taking a newspaper in her hand.  The distressing pause was over, however; he turned round in half a minute, and coming towards the table where she sat, said in a voice of effort and constraint—­

’You must have heard too much already, Madam, to be in any doubt of my having promised Admiral Croft to speak to you on a particular subject, and this conviction determines me to do so, however repugnant to my—­to all my sense of propriety to be taking so great a liberty!  You will acquit me of impertinence I trust, by considering me as speaking only for another, and speaking by necessity; and the Admiral is a man who can never be thought impertinent by one who knows him as you do.  His intentions are always the kindest and the best, and you will perceive he is actuated by none other in the application which I am now, with—­with very peculiar feelings—­obliged to make.’  He stopped, but merely to recover breath, not seeming to expect any answer.  Anne listened as if her life depended on the issue of his speech.  He proceeded with a forced alacrity:—­

’The Admiral, Madam, was this morning confidently informed that you were—­upon my soul, I am quite at a loss, ashamed (breathing and speaking quickly)—­the awkwardness of giving information of this kind to one of the parties—­you can be at no loss to understand me.  It was very confidently said that Mr. Elliot—­that everything was settled in the family for a union between Mr. Elliot and yourself.  It was added that you were to live at Kellynch—­that Kellynch was to be given up.  This the Admiral knew could not be correct.  But it occurred to him that it might be the wish of the parties.  And my commission from him, Madam, is to say, that if the family wish is such, his lease of Kellynch shall be cancelled, and he and my sister will provide themselves with another home, without imagining themselves to be doing anything which under similar circumstances would not be done for them.  This is all, Madam.  A very few words in reply from you will be sufficient.  That I should be the person commissioned on this subject is extraordinary! and believe me, Madam, it is no less painful.  A very few words, however, will put an end to the awkwardness and distress we may both be feeling.’

Anne spoke a word or two, but they were unintelligible; and before she could command herself, he added, ’If you will only tell me that the Admiral may address a line to Sir Walter, it will be enough.  Pronounce only the words, he may, and I shall immediately follow him with your message.’

Project Gutenberg
Memoir of Jane Austen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.