Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

‘You are going to call upon my wife,’ said he.  ’She will be very glad to see you.’

Anne denied it.

‘No! she really had not time, she was in her way home;’ but while she spoke the Admiral had stepped back and knocked at the door, calling out,

‘Yes, yes; do go in; she is all alone; go in and rest yourself.’

Anne felt so little disposed at this time to be in company of any sort, that it vexed her to be thus constrained, but she was obliged to stop.

‘Since you are so very kind,’ said she, ’I will just ask Mrs. Croft how she does, but I really cannot stay five minutes.  You are sure she is quite alone?’

The possibility of Captain Wentworth had occurred; and most fearfully anxious was she to be assured—­either that he was within, or that he was not—­which might have been a question.

’Oh yes! quite alone, nobody but her mantua-maker with her, and they have been shut up together this half-hour, so it must be over soon.’

’Her mantua-maker!  Then I am sure my calling now would be most inconvenient.  Indeed you must allow me to leave my card and be so good as to explain it afterwards to Mrs. Croft.’

’No, no, not at all—­not at all—­she will be very happy to see you.  Mind, I will not swear that she has not something particular to say to you, but that will all come out in the right place.  I give no hints.  Why, Miss Elliot, we begin to hear strange things of you (smiling in her face).  But you have not much the look of it, as grave as a little judge!’

Anne blushed.

’Aye, aye, that will do now, it is all right.  I thought we were not mistaken.’

She was left to guess at the direction of his suspicions; the first wild idea had been of some disclosure from his brother-in-law, but she was ashamed the next moment, and felt how far more probable it was that he should be meaning Mr. Elliot.  The door was opened, and the man evidently beginning to deny his mistress, when the sight of his master stopped him.  The Admiral enjoyed the joke exceedingly.  Anne thought his triumph over Stephen rather too long.  At last, however, he was able to invite her up stairs, and stepping before her said, ’I will just go up with you myself and show you in.  I cannot stay, because I must go to the Post-Office, but if you will only sit down for five minutes I am sure Sophy will come, and you will find nobody to disturb you—­there is nobody but Frederick here,’ opening the door as he spoke.  Such a person to be passed over as nobody to her!  After being allowed to feel quite secure, indifferent, at her ease, to have it burst on her that she was to be the next moment in the same room with him!  No time for recollection! for planning behaviour or regulating manners!  There was time only to turn pale before she had passed through the door, and met the astonished eyes of Captain Wentworth, who was sitting by the fire, pretending to read, and prepared for no greater surprise than the Admiral’s hasty return.

Project Gutenberg
Memoir of Jane Austen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.