“I heard Ralph Wells say, in a Sabbath-school convention last summer,” said Miss Day, “’that it is he that doeth His will that is to know concerning the doctrine, and that no spectacles are so precious for right understanding of the Word as a conscience void of offence toward God and man.’ He also said in reference to Bible study, ’Wonderful is the light one gains by simply looking out the references.’ Another good thing that I remember from him, and that I have practised ever since is, that we ’ought to learn a verse of Scripture each day.’”
“There is one precious way in which the Scriptures are to be used that has not been mentioned yet,” said one who had been silent thus far, but whose face expressed lively sympathy with all she heard, “we do not get the comfort from the promises that we might. The Lord says, ‘Put me in remembrance, let us plead together.’ I think we ought to take advantage of such a gracious permission, and bring a promise when we come before the Lord in prayer.
“I had an old neighbour once who owned bank stock to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and yet he got it into his head that if he were not very saving, he should go to the poor-house. This grew upon him so, that he shut up all the rooms in his house, which was large and pleasant, and he and his wife lived in the kitchen, hovering in the coldest weather over a small fire because he thought he ought not to afford any more, when he had only to go to the bank and present his cheque to get all he needed. So we have only to put our names in the promises and plead them, and they are fulfilled to us. Instead of that, we go mourning about in the kitchen and down cellar, instead of sitting in the ‘chamber of peace.’”
“I am sorry to say that our hour is more than up,” Mrs. Lewis said. “Let us glance over what we have learned in the study of the Word: We need the teaching of the Holy Spirit. We are to pray for light on it. We are to love it, obey it, meditate on it, search it, desire it, talk of it, try all things by it, sound our experience by it, plead its promises, commit it to memory, trust in it. It is to be our food; no other food will feed an immortal soul. It is to be our joy, to give to us comfort, peace, faith, hope, patience, wisdom, and I will put the cap-stone on this beautiful arch by—’I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.’”
It was a little house, and a little new family; just two of them, and just six months since they were made into a family, and set up housekeeping. As a matter of course everything in the house was new also. One may prate of antiquities, and the associations clinging about them that render them beautiful, but after all, every couple will always look back with delight to the time all their surroundings were fresh and pretty, yes, even though they were not pretty; there is a charm in a new pine table, or a bright new tin pan. This house was a little gem, from the delicately appointed guest chamber to the cement-lined cellar.