A. With a broken circuit the engine will run noiselessly and fast with very little steam blowing at exhaust and no light will be seen at the arc or on cab lights.
36. Q. If the insulation on the cab wires is worn off until your two wires can come together either directly or through the medium of some metallic substance, what would occur?
A. A short circuit would result that would put out all of your lights.
37. Q. What should be done?
A. Wrap the exposed wire, if you can locate it, with a piece of waste, or if you cannot locate the short circuit, disconnect one of your cab wires from the dynamo. This would give you the benefit of the arc lamp and you can look for the trouble at your leisure.
38. Q. If the light goes out when steam drops back fifteen to twenty pounds, what is the trouble?
A. Either one of the governor valves is stuck shut, short bushing No. 18 in engine cab is worn badly, allowing wheel to drop away from the governor stand so steam passes around wheel to exhaust, or governor springs are too weak.
39. Q. In this case what should be done?
A. Report of the action of the dynamo should be made upon the work book at the terminal.
40. Q. If clutch rod No. 78-B should break while on the road, what could be done to get use of the lamp?
A. A piece of wire could be used by fastening one end around the end of top lever No. 59, the other end being attached to clutch through eye.
41. Q. If you should lose the clothespin holder or top carbon clutch, what could be done to get the light?
A. Would fasten a wire around the carbon and top holder to keep carbon in line, being careful not to get the wire either too tight or too loose.
42. Q. If you should lose the iron armature No. 64 in solenoid, what could be done to get use of light?
A. Would use a common iron bolt and suspend same by wire in magnet.
43. Q. What would be the result if any of the levers of the lamp should bind?
A. All levers of the lamp must work absolutely free and must not drag, for if they are not perfectly free the carbon cannot feed properly.
=Pyle-National Electric Incandescent Headlight=
44. Q. What is meant by an incandescent headlight equipment?
A. A headlight having an electric incandescent lamp in the reflector in place of the usual oil or acetylene gas flame, and electric instead of oil cab lamps, the electricity being generated by a small combination steam-turbine and electric generator. Suitable wiring distributes the electric current.
45. Q. In what manner does the incandescent headlight differ from the arc headlight?
A. It is not so powerful. An incandescent or bulb type of lamp takes the place of the arc lamp in the headlight reflector. The current being less than is required for an arc, is supplied by a smaller turbine.