The Golden Censer eBook

John McGovern
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about The Golden Censer.

The Golden Censer eBook

John McGovern
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about The Golden Censer.

the year before the great conflagration.  Here he was met by other English friends, and the New Year’s calls customary in the city were made “in fine style,” for he was an engaging young man.  In just a casual way he inquired for work, but found his trade did not exist in the New World.  He was thus in the worst business position conceivable.  He had had no drill in anything that would do him any good.  Upon spending the last of his money one night—­I think it was for a game of billiards—­he made up his mind that he would go out after work the next day.  This he did.  He tramped the snowy streets early in the morning.  He waded in the slush at noon.  He clambered over the frozen mud at night.  But everywhere it was dull.  The employers were keeping their men simply to have them when the busy season began.  All would say: 


His campaign in Chicago was methodic.  He took a certain street each day.  He canvassed one side in the forenoon.  He returned in the afternoon, often carrying his lunch.  He never lost hope.  But oh! it was discouraging to those who saw it.  Another young man came from St. Louis to the boarding-house and got a situation in a great dry-goods house, as entry clerk, for he was a skilled man.  This was unfortunate for our friend, for the companionship of the St. Louis accession was a positive injury.  He resembled the pictures of Byron and was of a viciously despondent turn of mind.  He hated life and life’s duties.  Our friend fell into the toils.  Together they bemoaned the hardness of the world, and presently,


they overturned kingdoms and systems of society as they blew the foam from their beer.  This folly led to a fight at the boarding-house which lowered our friend from an English gentleman to a fellow who was destitute and drunken, but it opened his eyes.  St. Louis left for warmer climes, but our friend redoubled his energy, and finished the actual canvass of every decent-looking place of business and factory in Chicago!  This is, as I believe, from actual evidences I had at the time, an actual fact.


asked every probable employer in Chicago whose attention he could secure if there were any work, and the answer was “No, sir!” This took him till about the first of May.  He had no influence.  He had no friend who had influence, nor any chance to get one.  His watch, rings, and scarf-pin gradually went to the landlady.  His shot-gun, field-glass and clothes were carried to the pawnbrokers.  For his musket he got a dollar, and


Project Gutenberg
The Golden Censer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.