O Gods! that euer anie thing so sweete,
So suddenlie should fade awaie,
and fleete!
Hir armes are spread, and I am all unarm’d,
Lyke one with Ouid’s
cursed hemlocke charm’d; 124
So are my Limms unwealdlie for the fight
That spend their strength
in thought of hir delight.
What shall I doe to shewe my self a man?
It will not be for ought that
beawtie can. 128
I kisse, I clap, I feele, I view at will,
Yett dead he lyes, not thinking
good or ill.
“Unhappie me,” quoth shee,
“and wilt’ not stand?
Com, lett me rubb and chafe
it with my hand! 132
Perhaps the sillie worme is labour’d
And wearied that it can doe
noe more;
If it be so, as I am greate a-dread,
I wish tenne thousand times
that I were dead. 136
How ere it is, no meanes shall want in
That maie auaile to his recouerie.”
Which saide, she tooke and rould it on
hir thigh,
And when she look’t
on’t, she would weepe and sighe;
She dandled it, and dancet it up and doune,
Not ceasing till she rais’d
it from his swoune.
And then he flue on hir as he were wood,
And on hir breeche did hack
and foyne a-good; 144
He rub’d, and prickt, and pierst
her to the bones,
Digging as farre as eath he
might for stones;
Now high, now lowe, now stryking shorte
and thicke;
Now dyuing deepe, he toucht
hir to the quicke; 148
Now with a gird he would his course rebate,
Straite would he take him
to a statlie gate;
Plaie while him list, and thrust he neare
so hard,
Poore pacient Grissill lyeth
at hir warde, 152
And giue’s, and takes, as blythe
and free as Maye,
And ere-more meete’s
him in the midle waye.
On him hir eyes continualy were fixt;
With hir eye-beames his melting
looke’s were mixt, 156
Which, like the Sunne, that twixt two
glasses plaies,
From one to th’ other
cast’s rebounding rayes.
He, lyke a starre that, to reguild his
Sucks-in the influence of
Phebus streames, 160
Imbathes the lynes of his descending light
In the bright fountaines of
hir clearest sight.
She, faire as fairest Planet in the skye,
Hir puritie to noe man doeth
denye; 164
The verie chamber that enclouds her shine
Lookes lyke the pallace of
that God deuine,
Who leades the daie about the Zodiake,
And euerie euen discends to
th’oceane lake; 168
So fierce and feruent is her radiance,
Such fyrie stakes she darts
at euerie glance
As might enflame the icie limmes of age,
And make pale death his seignedrie
to aswage; 172